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Flemming Bo Jensen Photography | profile | all galleries >> Australia >> Australia - Uluru and Kata Tjuta tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Australia - Uluru and Kata Tjuta

A collection of shots from Uluru and Kata Tjuta National Park - one of my absolutely favourite places in Australia.

These amazing rocks and this amazing red desert is a place where I really feel at home and at the same time feel like I am on another planet. My photos aim to reflect this fantastic experience.

These images have been approved for sale by Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park.

All photos © Flemming Bo Jensen Photography

Uluru at sunset - fine art panorama
Uluru at sunset - fine art panorama
Uluru at dusk - fine art panorama
Uluru at dusk - fine art panorama
Uluru and the red desert from above
Uluru and the red desert from above
Kata Tjuta sunset from the air 2
Kata Tjuta sunset from the air 2
Kata Tjuta sunset silhouette
Kata Tjuta sunset silhouette
Kata Tjuta Domes Sunrise panorama
Kata Tjuta Domes Sunrise panorama
Uluru and the rising Sun
Uluru and the rising Sun
Uluru from above at sunset
Uluru from above at sunset
Uluru Cliff Face
Uluru Cliff Face
Kata Tjuta before sunrise
Kata Tjuta before sunrise
Uluru and gum trees
Uluru and gum trees
Domes of Kata Tjuta at sunset - Uluru in the background
Domes of Kata Tjuta at sunset - Uluru in the background
Kata Tjuta sunset from the air
Kata Tjuta sunset from the air