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help private comment 20-Dec-2015 01:51
Guest 02-Aug-2015 12:01
Very nice.
Come to Guam!
cafe18-May-2015 09:44
I can tell that you put a lot of effort into your pictures.
perte cheveux17-May-2015 11:59
good start :)
Guest 02-May-2015 00:06
thank you for your noce pictures! Pilote seem to be such a wonderfull job!
I went there because of the red light you happen to see in the pacific, very disturbing instead.. I wouldd be really nice if every pilotes has camera and talk more freely about strange thing they see.
Thanks and keep posting!
regards from france
maarten 25-Aug-2014 22:05
via geenstijl dus op jouw site gekomen
schitterende fotos en een droombaan
ik zal het met mn flightsim moeten doen.
jaloers ,,zeker weten
Dave Beedon02-Dec-2013 01:30
The design of your "All Galleries" page is beautiful.
Dave Barnes04-Jul-2013 12:15
For me these galleries represent the best of what could be photographed on this planet, we can talk planetary because here you have that perspective - brilliant work, congratulations.
Antonio Carlos Pianaro 06-Apr-2013 23:06
Dear JPC van Heijst , your photos are wonderful. I admire him because, you fly in the most beautiful and fantastic machine that I know. Every Tuesday and Friday night early, you and your colleagues Cargolux land in my city, Curitiba (CWB-SBCT) with the B744. When I can get up very early, at 5:00 am to shoot them at the airport. Most times, I do so the company where I work, where your aircraft is on the prow of Gisa, ha about 5500 feet. I hope someday to photograph their passage here.
Martijn Mulder 03-Feb-2013 12:29
Hey Christiaan,

Gezellig gisteravond en mooie site man. Gaan ons best doen om je in de (K)DC-10 te krijgen! Take care!

Grtn Martijn
Peter van Stelle 21-Jun-2012 18:21
Ha Christiaan,
Erg mooie foto's. Met name de cockpit shots met de 10.5mm. Keep them coming

Grt, Peter
eveneens ex HV (het waren 21 mooie jaren)
Peter van Stelle 21-Jun-2012 16:01
Ha Christiaan,
Erg mooie foto's. Met name de cockpit shots met de 10.5mm. Keep them coming

Grt, Peter
eveneens ex HV (het waren 21 mooie jaren)
Anago James Akeem Osho 18-Feb-2012 06:26
I think you should compile these Pictures and Experiences into a Book and DvD. It would be used in schools, family libraries and a good Souvenir for Tourists.
ron burrus 29-May-2011 00:09
nice work mr flying dutchman ... !!
what an opportunity to fly and then shoot images others will never experience in real time...
thanks for the pilots' view !
Robert 25-May-2011 02:46

Fantastische fotos en zekers de moeite waard om te zien , ben zelf vlieger hier in Atlanta al sinds 1988 en vloog daarvoor in Chad Afrika voor Unicef.

Ik blijf de site bekijken voor nieuwe geplaatst materiaal succes met de carriere
"Happy Landings" groeten Robert
Obi 19-May-2011 20:42

Your pictures are magnificently wonderful. I admire pictures that capture the truth and are rich in content,yours has it a %100
Miertje 21-Feb-2011 19:19

Wist dat je zulke mooie foto's maakte, maar dat je er echt werk van maakt in de vorm van een expositie vind ik geweldig...
Echt super gaaf dit..!!
Ga vooral zo door, dan kunnen we blijven meedromen op jouw mooie wereldwijze reizen...!

Liefs Mier...x
Guest 04-Feb-2011 12:50

Fantastisch mooie foto's, vooral die over Afghanistan. Complimenten!


Rob Gossink
Jacqueline 04-Oct-2010 18:25
Hello vliegende Hollander
You have find a typical name for your blog.I find your photos magnificent. It must be
fantasist,to visit all these country's.
I put you website to my blog so I can follow you.
Groetjes uit België
Jacqueline 04-Oct-2010 18:21
Hello vliegende Hollander
You have find a typical name for your blog.I find your photos magnificent. It must be
fantasist,to visit all these country's.
I put you website to my blog so I can follow you.
Groetjes uit België
Jacqueline 04-Oct-2010 18:21
Hello vliegende Hollander
You have find a typical name for your blog.I find your photos magnificent. It must be
fantasist,to visit all these country's.
I put you website to my blog so I can follow you.
Groetjes uit België
Doug Berry 19-Sep-2010 23:37
Thanks for your excellent photos. It was a pleasure to see your gallery. I thank you for sharing your life through your photos..........

James Akeem Osho 29-Jun-2010 12:05
The name the flying Dutchman fits you well. I am opportuned to see this great work of photography, but i saw beyound pictures. It inspires the spirituality in me and as a Folk Singer, Children care and Tourist Guide that i am, travelling opened my eyes to see that the whole human race is one. Although our cultures are diverse but that is the beauty of it all.
So glad to know that people like you exist. Sir, i'd like you to use your travel experience to show the similarities in us as members of the human race. We have to help the underpriviledge street children around the world. God bless your Soul sir. I appreciate your Creativity and love for nature.
Peace be upon you my brother,
James Akeem Osho
Rafal 23-Jun-2010 21:52
great pics, great movies.
I am plannig trip to Afghanistan, unfortunetly not as a pilot :/
And I'm planning polish aviation film festival in october in Warsaw. Do you want present your movies in it? feelfree to contact me by @ o phone +48 505 035 305
Guest 09-May-2010 00:21
your pictures are very impressive. I am an old denimair captain and I stumbled on your pictures by accident but I I am impressed here is a clue as to wo I am I was the last captain to fly PH-FZE

Bert de Jong 21-Dec-2009 07:15
AMAZING pictures, a shame of the watermarks but . . understandable. Those images bring back memories big time as I flew for 22 years as a Flight Engineer on the P3 Lockheed Orion. After my "retirement" (50)these days I harass pilots at CAE Center Amsterdam on the B738/739.

I play around with graphics a lot and the Droste effect URL appeared as a new toy, thanks for that.

Happy landings,

Bert de Jong
Groundschool Instructor
CAE Center Amsterdam
Peter van Heijst 08-Dec-2009 19:56
Ha Flying Dutchman

still imprest of your fotos and life, go on like one of your antsisters Luitanent Van Heijst aerlier last century......

Met vriendelijke groet / Sincerely yours

Peter A.M. van Heijst.

Accountable Manager.

Aircraft Maintenance & Training School.

EASA Part-147 reg. number NL.147.7174.

Aviolandalaan 31 4631 RP Hoogerheide.

P.O. Box 3 4630 AA Hoogerheide.

The Netherlands.

Tel: +31 (0) 164 61 85 10

Mobile: +31 (0)6 14 419 101


"To most people, the sky is the limit. To those who love aviation, it's home."
Guest 15-Nov-2009 09:43
Superbes photos, du grand art, continué à nous faire rêver.
Félicitation et bon vol.
Mircea 13-Oct-2009 09:16
I have never seen so many amazing planes pictures in one place. Sir, you are so gifted! Thanks for sharing!
valerie 23-Sep-2009 23:49
Dear Mr van Heijst Have just viewed your beautiful aerial view of Afghanistan and I am
just left gasping re the art of your shots and the beauty of that poor, worn torn country.

I am Canadian, and as this art of yours in now on internet, to bash the country and people, it makes me exceedingly sad, that this beauty you have shown us, is beinmg used in this fashion. I have played it again and again andam left gasping with each shot. Love your sense of humour, re T-Shirt/Black eyeglasses.

Pls, what is the melody used to accentuate your slide show. So familiar, so haunting, a wonderful choice. thank you for this piece of art! Valerie
Stephan Albers 10-Sep-2009 15:31
hallo meneer JPC van Heijst

ik wil even aan u zeggen dat u mooije foto's heeft. ga zoo door !!!!
ik ben zelf gek van de 737-800 en ik zie dat u daar mooie foto's van heeft

groetjes stephan albers
Albertismo 19-Jul-2009 15:12
Excellent work, keep it up !!! please, let me know if you need some help.
Robert Pas 06-Jun-2009 19:59
uitstekende beelden en echt het bezoek waard, als beroepsvlieger in Atlanta vs altijd op zoek naar websites als deze mijn complimenten and manny happy landings
Richard McCaig 18-Mar-2009 21:09
JPC - Great shots! Can't get that high in the Cessna 182 but never mind!! Loved your shot on the front of The Scotsman Newspaper Business Flying Supplement today! Looking forward to more shots!!
BleuEvanescence06-Jan-2009 04:06
"These pages have been viewed a total of 1000446 times"
And i still believe that too many people
don't know what they are missing...
Brett Fitzgerald 26-Dec-2008 01:55
Excellent Photo Galleries.
Just awe inspiring. The cockpit ones, just show how your job can be fun when ever stuck in a chair for the long hours.
No one takes photo's like this (planes close by etc etc).

Definately art (plane art ;) ) at it's finest!
Eugene 14-Dec-2008 23:27

Collegue of yours draw attention to your galleries.
I really enjoyed looking at your pictures which are of very high quality.
Keep up the good work !
Bernardo Vieira 19-Oct-2008 03:10
it`s so beautifull!!!
Your photos remind me of my dream to be a pilot, but I can`t be a pilot!
Hugs form BRAZIL!!
Astrid 18-Oct-2008 22:43
Art it is.
Guest 14-Oct-2008 01:23
Exellent work! Great photos showing exactly what its like up there... Still, extreme low level ops are a bit more exciting with actual hands-on flying! Hahaha - can you spot the jealousy? Wel gedaan, een baie goeie gallery!
Jazz Tang 16-Sep-2008 14:36
Great galleries. Fantastic. Your galleries remind me of my dream to be a pilot when I was small. Aeroplanes flow over the place I lived, and I could recognize the type of plane just by the approaching sound before it came into my sight. Unfortunately, being in a small place in Hong Kong, there were little opportunities in our choice of future career. To satisfy the expectation of the people around me, I become a doctor. But my dream career as a pilot, never fade. I bookmark your gallery web site, and watch the wonderful pics everytime I got frustrated with the stuff in my "career".
Guest 06-Sep-2008 08:06
I love your galleries! Excellent photos. I am also a fan of window views and cockpits. I've got several galleries myself.
Guest 17-Aug-2008 01:26
Thank you for your kind comments on my gallery, but thank you even more because with those comments I have had the chance to find you. I have seen your favourites pics but I have to see all the rest, they are absolutely amazing!!! Your photos are a dream to me. Congratulations my friend, I would like to have your work. I have added you in my favourite's list so I will come back often to see new photos! Ok, I'm gonna see more.
Best wishes from Barcelona,
Nandis12-Jul-2008 08:30
Your work has just reminded me how much I love photography and art.
Chicopilot21-Jun-2008 23:50
Hoi Flying Dutchman,

What a nice collection of aviation pics !
Long speech is not necessary...
Just keep up that very good work !

Steve Ornberg 21-Jun-2008 23:47
I enjoyed your pictures very much. The mountains and the sunsets were great pictures! Thanks for sharing your unique view of the world.
Chris 21-Jun-2008 01:14
Hoi Christiaan,

Geweldige foto's maak jij, zeg.

Chris (HAR)
Frans van Rossum 05-May-2008 18:03

Wat een prachtige foto's op deze site. Dan ben ik als fotograferende PPL'er toch maar een beetje aan het aanrommelen :-)
Guest 02-Apr-2008 20:00
Great Gallery

website :
BleuEvanescence25-Mar-2008 14:04
TU es invité(e)(pas obligé) à la 4e édition du Challenge PBase...
YOU are invited (no obligation) to the 4th Edition of the PBase challenge...
Pascal 24-Feb-2008 20:47
Hey Chris,
bedankt voor de tijd die je hier met ons in het ghetto
van KAIA Afghanistan met ons doorbracht.. Ik vergeet nooit
de plaatsen OAMN en OAMS en zeker niet de route ernaar toe..
Jammer dat we niet de mogelijkheid hadden om naar de departure hall
te komen om 'good bye' te zeggen (komt door ons kostuumpje...)
doe vele groeten aan Dick en Corine en lets keep i n touch...
Deze site is een juweeltje.. vele groeten..
harald 21-Feb-2008 10:04
dag christiaan, bedankt voor de fotos mate. heb jullie niet kunnen uitzwaaien in kabul
wegens te druk op het werk.jullie laten ons achter met slecht weer, bedankt daarvoor.
doe de groeten aan dirk en corinne en bedankt voor de leuke tijd die we hier samen door
brachten. hoop van jullie ooit nog eens terug te zien.
allemaal kus
Guest 05-Feb-2008 11:54
You have one of the best galleries on pbase.
Omid Nazary 26-Dec-2007 08:46
Hallo every one who enjoying the most beauty picture of Afghanistan,
I love this gallery, and thankful from dose guys who used his or her
Time to show up Afghan land to us, thanks
Tim de Meijer 02-Dec-2007 17:59

Pracht foto's !!!
Je foto's geven dat gevoel weer waarom we constant weer terrug willen opstijgen !!!

Groetjes Tim
gsl00709-Aug-2007 01:01
I really enjoyed your galleries. I reminded me of my thirties, when I flew as a passenger every week. In those days, you could go into the flight deck if you asked nicely.
Robert Whetton10-Jul-2007 10:39
a fantasic collection of photographs, just goes to show that you don't need an SLR to take great pictures!! keep it up! :D
Pawel Kazmierczyk13-Jun-2007 19:12
Hi Christiaan, what an amazing gallery you have compiled... I congratulate you on the photographic talent - and envy you the job after seeing the collection you put together. Many unique shots - like those of the final approaches, etc. One of my favourite galleries. Greeetings from Poland. Pawel
Guest 24-Apr-2007 17:56
Great Gallery
Ray31-Mar-2007 17:20
Hi Christiaan, thanks for visiting my Iran gallery. In fact I will be coming over to your homeland to see the beautiful tulips during easter holidays. Hopefully can bring more photos back for sharing...
BleuEvanescence11-Mar-2007 21:56
It must be wonderful to be a pilot...
You have breathtaking images...
David Grootveld 30-Nov-2006 08:14
Hoi Christiaan, inmiddels weet ik ik dat jij nu 3 weken flink aan het "zwoegen" bent. Heel veel succes daarmee!
Onwijs gave site, prachtige foto's, begrijp nu dat zoom maar een tipje van de sluier oplicht. Ga vooral zo door, zal niet makkelijk zijn, omdat je in de toekomst vaak wat hoger zal zitten, dan met die good old fokker 50.

Gr,David (DOG)
roulette 27-Nov-2006 19:04
u have the beauty site
Guest 20-Nov-2006 08:12
Hey Chris,

Ik ben al een tijdje niet meer op je Pbase wezen kijken, maar wat je doet slaat echt alles! Dit is inderdaad 'mickyficky' ART man! En dat JETJE is geweldig! Keep up the good work! Hulde..hulde...hulde!! :D


Kat12-Nov-2006 20:20
Thank you for sharing your lovely galleries. There's so much to see, I'll be back!!
Guest 08-Nov-2006 16:23
Hello Flying Dutchman!
This is some of the best "flying" pictures I've ever seen. As a friend of mine mailed back: "This is not pictures. It's G**damn ART!" Took us both back to Afghanistan, where I was lucky enough to hitch a ride on ISAF085K from Kabul to Mazar and back.
Best Regards
Palle J.C.,R. Danish A.F., formerly Kabul ATC.
Saroliz 26-Oct-2006 02:55
Jelger 20-Sep-2006 21:54
Hallo Christiaan,

Erg gave foto's, ik heb ze even misbruikt om een afscheids collage voor Noud te maken.
Bedankt en groetjes Jelger
Me Myself and I 18-Sep-2006 15:47
Hi dutchman flying. Saw your pictures and spent a good time. Next time you come at dakar, I'll be pleased to share a desperado (a beer I adore) with you. Cheers :-)
kimberley 08-Sep-2006 08:32
Hey schatje ga je me nog die foto's van mallorca mailen? Zou super tof zijn............. Thanx! Kus
Miss Linda Baker 03-Sep-2006 13:48
Those are some of the most beautiful airplane photos I have seen on the web. . and brought back a lot of memorities of early cockpit mornings. Thank you for sharing with all of us.
Captain Linda
Doc Indy 20-Jun-2006 17:57
Hoi Flying Dutchman,
yes I know I know...
the email adress was wrong.
New one is now submitted ;o)
See ya on the runway Christian!
Philippe V8 28-Apr-2006 12:29
Hoi Christiaan,

Als F50 home-cockpit-sim bouwer zijn die foto's van je (vooral die ene die recht onder het overhead naar boven toe getrokken is) ERG handig ! Ik probeer nl aan zo veel mogelijk echte afmetingen te geraken en als je weet dat ieder panel op't overhead (uitzondering van de lights panel uiteraard) 114mm is dan kom je met zulke foto's al een end ver !

Ik zou het erg fijn vinden mocht ik je in m'n msn lijst mogen toevoegen ! Mijn msn is

Guest 27-Apr-2006 19:35
Heeeee Christiaan, wat een super mooie fotos zeg!!!! Ik krijg alweer heimwee naar Denim als ik al die fotos bekijk!!!!
Veel plezier en ik blijf je site regelmatig checken!!!


Martijn Tros
Dom Burke18-Apr-2006 14:47
great images of your profession and travels, very interesting to view. Dom
Dave Beedon21-Mar-2006 03:06
Your airplane-related photos (aerial and ground) are super! Thanks for sharing your view of the world.
anne 23-Feb-2006 12:01
Hee Chris,

thanx voor het geven van dit adres laatst op turijn(wij hebben daar uiteindelijk nog 2 uur mogen wachten.....pfffff.)
Wat een onwijs vreselijk gave super mooie foto's!!Keep up the good work!
Zie je snel
Guest 08-Feb-2006 16:44
He Christiaan,

Heb de foto's bekeken. Heel erg mooi allemaal. Met name die foto's van de woestijn zijn bijzonder!. Jammer van die ene nors kijkende captain....haha
Guest 03-Feb-2006 10:11

Thank you for your encouraging comment............... btw, you have amazing collection of bird views.... especially i like that "Cleared to Land and Greece" galleries..... wow that tie suits him (Denim Uniform) perfectly.........
Yvon 22-Dec-2005 11:48
Hoi Christiaan,

ik heb zojuist weer even je nieuwe foto's bewonderd.....gaaf hoor!
Je komt nu wel op hele bijzondere plaatsen in de wereld...


Groetjes uit Hoorn

Inge 24-Nov-2005 14:35
Rob Lammeree stuurde mij een linkje naar jouw site.
Mooie foto's zeg! Super!
Tja, dan ziet het uitzicht bij Denim Maintenance er toch heel anders uit ;-)

Groetjes Inge
Jan Talens 16-Nov-2005 20:59
Hoi Christiaan
Mooie site joh, mooie foto's ook. Daar ben ik wel even zoet mee geweest om ze te bekijken. Hier ga ik vaker komen (-;

Alle goeds, Jan (vriend van Marinka weetjewel...)
Duncan 16-Oct-2005 17:28
Hoi Christiaan,
Leuk om toch af en toe even nieuwe foto's te bekijken, ik mis alleen nog Senegal!!

Als je nog een keer tijd over hebt zou ik erg graag de resterende foto's en het filmpje willen hebben van onze Athene vlucht.

Sue 04-Oct-2005 19:34
He Christiaan!
Hele leuke site! En super foto's! Ben jaloers ;)
Zie je snel weer op Teuge!
Liefs Sue
Joyce 06-Aug-2005 18:31
Hoi Christiaan,

Mocht het niets worden als vlieger kun je altijd nog fotograaf worden. Mooie foto's hoor!

