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Tony Hobbs's Recent Galleries

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20-Mar-2015 22:18
:: lee_filters ::
23-Jul-2014 17:48
Dog Agility by National Animal Welfare Trust at Low Ham Steam Rally
:: Dog Agility by National Animal Welfare Trust at Low Ham Steam Rally ::
29-Jun-2014 18:41
Lassie at 6 months
:: Lassie at 6 months  ::
26-Mar-2014 19:47
Lassie at 13 weeks of age
:: Lassie at 13 weeks of age ::
26-Mar-2014 19:37
Lassie at 12 weeks in my studio
:: Lassie at 12 weeks in my "studio" ::
20-Mar-2014 19:32
Lassie Bounding around Cheddar on her twelth weeks birthday.
:: Lassie Bounding around Cheddar on her twelth weeks birthday. ::
17-Mar-2014 21:09
:: gizzy ::
10-Mar-2014 20:57
Background Trial with Lassie and Gizzy
:: Background Trial with Lassie and Gizzy ::
05-Mar-2014 20:34
Lassie at ten weeks, Gizzy on location...
:: Lassie at ten weeks, Gizzy on location... ::
26-Feb-2014 18:48
Lassie at nine weeks in my home made studio
:: Lassie at nine weeks in my home made studio ::
14-Feb-2014 09:18
Seven weeks old puppy.
:: Seven weeks old puppy. ::
05-Feb-2014 18:24
:: 6_weeks_old ::