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Profile for free2run
Name free2run (joined 31-Aug-2004) (pbase supporter)
Username free2run
Personal URL
Location California
View Galleries : free2run has 95 galleries and 6556 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 3834808 times.

View Guestbook : 128 messages. Most recent on 02-Nov-2011.

Message from free2run
Photography is more than a medium for factual communication of ideas.
It is a creative art.
You don't take a photograph,
you make it.
-Ansel Adams

Please visit my website:

Links to some of my favorite photographers:

Zha Leping
Floris van Breugel
Marc Adamus
Chip Phillips
Galen Rowell
Michael Anderson
Guy Tal
Georg and Verena Popp
Saul Santos Diaz
Random free2run pictures