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Gerhard Bachmayer | all galleries >> AstroPhotos >> Astrophotos 2008-2024 > M20 in Sagittarius
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M20 in Sagittarius


M20 is a splendid example of a combination of a red emission and a blue reflection nebula.

Telescope: ASA 12N-OK3 f3,6
Mount: ASA DDM 85
Camera: ZWO 6200MM Pro
Filter-wheel: FLI CFW 3-12
Filter: Astrodon L,R,G,B
Exposure: L:8x180sec, R:3x240sec, G:3x240sec, B:3x240sec
Programs: Maxim DL 5.0, CCDStack 2.95, PixInsight SE 1.8 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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