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Hubert Steed | profile | all galleries >> Nature - Gardens, Flowers, Trees, Plants, Rocks, Animals, etc. >> Plants >> A-Z Flowers tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

A-Z Flowers

The objective of these galleries is to provide at least one example of every kind of flower I have photographed in NYC neighborhoods and in some instances other locations. They are arranged in alphabetical order by common english or botanical name for convenient reference. Many of these photos are included in the main Garden and Plants galleries at . An explanation of the abbreviations used in the descriptions can be found in the introduction to those galleries.

Also more flower photos can be viewed in the A-Z Trees, Bushes and Foliage galleries at .

I would appreciate corrections or additional information viewers can provide to improve the accuracy and quality of all photo information.

I hope you will find these galleries an enjoyable and convenient reference.

Flowers A-F
:: Flowers A-F ::
Flowers G-O
:: Flowers G-O ::
Flowers P-Z
:: Flowers P-Z ::