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Wendy O | all galleries >> Galleries >> Twos > Peaches and Bird
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03-MAR-2003 Wendy O

Peaches and Bird

NOTE: This picture has been posted on numerous sites and emails without permission.
This is my cat, it was taken in my back yard.
If you wish to use this image, please write me for permission.
This is a copyrighted image.

Olympus C-2100UZ
1/500s f/2.8 at 39.3mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Marie-Hélène Raletz08-Jun-2005 04:34
I wonder what's on the left (out of the frame)...
... a plumper bird? (just kidding!)
Amazing capture, Wendy!
Those two look like great pals!
Guest 07-Dec-2004 00:50
Nice shot!
rwisha 02-May-2003 15:17
Oh woww! Either I'm too stupid to figure out how you did this or Peaches is!