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'Redemption Song' Laura Facey Cooper - Emancipation Park



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failed english student 03-Jan-2010 11:18
I really like what you had to say. But, I really think you should get into the habit of using spell-check.

one love
proud to be black 02-Mar-2009 19:42
In reading an article in the New York times,it stated that people where offended, in what the artist vision of a black man and woman,it looks like most black woman or men that I was around, growing up, before the barbie syndrome came into play. So whats the problem. This is the artist vision, because our hips butt, breast penis seems to be larger then Angelo Saxons, so what. There where no out cries when Michael Angelo showed is vision of Europeans. From the moment we were being transported on slave ships to the present, you have tried to strip us of our blackness, have made us feel that are features and roundness, shapes and attributes are ugly and something to be ashamed of. This is us weather u like it or not and we are not ashamed, we are strong, beautiful people and now, it has been depicted in this beautiful statue, Thank u Mrs. Facey-cooper for your vision and courage this is who we are.Black and beautiful.