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cafe18-May-2015 09:43
Great shots!
cheveux boucles16-May-2015 08:49
beautiful images, loved the color of the pictures.
Chris Weiss 11-Sep-2013 23:48
These are excellent! I love all of them!
Nice work!
Michael Dwayne Smith 16-Aug-2013 16:04
Greetings from the Mojave Desert, John--

Recently discovered your poetry, but having no luck locating your books. Thought I had Phantom of the Apple cornered, but the bookseller who claimed to have a copy couldn't find it in the end.

Thought I'd drop a note to say how much I've enjoyed what I've read. Please do let me know if you can steer me in the right direction re: Phantom of the Apple and/or any of your chaps. Also would like to email about possible book and magazine cover work (small press stuff).

Stacy L. Gardner 09-Apr-2013 03:39
Hey John,
I just wanted to let you know that your print Portland 3 from the Emergence show found a home with me. I will enjoy having it around!
Art Stephens 06-Mar-2013 06:03
John Kay, a blast from the past from Grafenwohr circa 1978. Email me at
Art Stephens
joan jobe smith 05-Aug-2011 15:56
hello John Kay! what gorgeous art! glad to have a chance to finally tell you how much i've enjoyed seeing your fabulous work on the Pearl covers.. and the newest one finally gave me impetus to tell you..Fred Voss thinks you're great, too!, joan jobe smith
TE Moore 21-Mar-2011 13:18
Awesome pictures! Please don't stop your inspiring work.
Sylvia (Sly) 30-Nov-2009 21:34
Hi Im Sylvia (Sly) would like to know if this is the John Kay I met in studio city on Nove 1st at the producer party that I was with Charles Santacross. if so can you e-mail me back Im wanting to talk to you. e-mail is
Thanks Sly
Jen Bieser 14-Oct-2009 12:00
Inspiring art works. Vibrant and exciting. What fun!
Douglas Arvidson 21-Feb-2009 17:25
One wonders where he finds them, these shards of broadsides, tattered remnants of humanity's communications with itself. And one finds one's eyes, one's mind, trying to see beyond the shreds, to connect them into something important, something that once reached out from the cold walls of the cities and said, "Look at me. I am telling you something important." Now though, just the bare bones of those gestures remain, as if a vulture had descended and fed upon their papered flesh. Therein lies the tension of his art.
Denis Joe O' Driscoll 17-Feb-2009 20:04
I spent a good few hours with these images John. Whilst I should have been doing something else it could not have been more important or inspiring. The way that you use the camera is outstanding. You use it the same way that you use words for poetry.

The collection here is very much like your poetry. The form (in this case, posters)determines how the audience view things. You have a very constricting approach to both your poetry and your photography and this is a great thing. You make demands on your audience and force them to confront what is before them; it is rather like giving a child a kaleidoscope with only one colour; thus they have to focus on the shapes the crystals make.

Brilliant John, pure genius.
Colin Matthews 12-Feb-2009 17:20
Well John K., I live in St. Ives, Cornwall, I was also a personal friend of Sir Terry Frost, I also feel he would have been amazed by your work as I was, truly different, and may I say . . . far, far to good to copy, but sadly, it will be, but you were the first,
I found it very calming !
Colin Matthews 12-Feb-2009 17:19
Well John K., I live in St. Ives, Cornwall, I was also a personal friend of Sir Terry Frost, I also feel he would have been amazed by your work as I was, truly different, and may I say . . . far, far to good to copy, but sadly, it will be, but you were the first,
I found it very calming !
John Armstrong07-Feb-2009 09:24
Great idea - very striking images
Well done

Meggi Raeder24-Jan-2009 15:41
John, you have an amazing collection of creative and interesting collages. Thanks for sharing them.
lori boulard 17-Jan-2009 18:33
John, every shot is a winner. So glad I can see your work here - especially that killer San Diego shot and those from the Heidelberg show - and tell others about it. You have an amazing eye for capturing the poetry in each view. Keep up the good work!
Lori Boulard, Orange County, California
Guest 15-Jan-2009 13:05
Congratulations on your life John Kay! As an artist myself, I hold on to my image of you as a beacon, as an example of what an artist does with their the traditon of the influential: Brancusi, Bukowski, Kerouac...Kay.

Beautiful work. -Terry Mulert