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Jakob Ehrensvärd | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Decay, ruins, wrecks and scrap tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Decay, ruins, wrecks and scrap

Maybe a bit strange heading of a gallery, but I have somewhat a passion of studying things left over from the past - old stuff that has just been forgotten and been left to degrade by wind and rain without any attempts to put things in order for public display. The other face of the post industrial revolution - the places that were left-over, that were not cool or prosperous enough. The places that went out of business. Where no one cared to bulldoze the places and regain the land
The car cemetery
gallery: The car cemetery
The bus cemetery
gallery: The bus cemetery
The truck cemetery
gallery: The truck cemetery
The train cemetery
gallery: The train cemetery
The abandoned church
gallery: The abandoned church
The abandoned sugar mill
gallery: The abandoned sugar mill
The abandoned cement factory
gallery: The abandoned cement factory
The abandoned glassworks
gallery: The abandoned glassworks
The abandoned paper mill
gallery: The abandoned paper mill
Another abandoned paper mill
gallery: Another abandoned paper mill
Yet another abandoned paper mill
gallery: Yet another abandoned paper mill
The trashed paper mill
gallery: The trashed paper mill
The abandoned power plant
gallery: The abandoned power plant
Industrial doom
gallery: Industrial doom
Abandoned and forgotten
gallery: Abandoned and forgotten
The ancient blast furnace
gallery: The ancient blast furnace
The old cottage
gallery: The old cottage
The old barn
gallery: The old barn
The collapsed barn
gallery: The collapsed barn
An abandoned house
gallery: An abandoned house
The old garage
gallery: The old garage
The old iron foundry village
gallery: The old iron foundry village
The old brick works
gallery: The old brick works
The old rail bridges at Gysinge
gallery: The old rail bridges at Gysinge
The ancient workshop
gallery: The ancient workshop
The ancient limestone works
gallery: The ancient limestone works
The ancient sawmill
gallery: The ancient sawmill
The ancient tile works
gallery: The ancient tile works
At the wagon maker's
gallery: At the wagon maker's
Old wood
gallery: Old wood
The ancient steam generation plant
gallery: The ancient steam generation plant
The abandoned hydropower station
gallery: The abandoned hydropower station
Abandoned mines
gallery: Abandoned mines
Pipes, valves, meters, motors and ladders
gallery: Pipes, valves, meters, motors and ladders
Windows of the past
gallery: Windows of the past
Past glory of Rail
gallery: Past glory of Rail
Abandoned rail stock
gallery: Abandoned rail stock
The abandoned track
gallery: The abandoned track
The abandoned mental hospital
gallery: The abandoned mental hospital
The abandoned brick works
gallery: The abandoned brick works
The abandoned sawmill
gallery: The abandoned sawmill
A scent of the 1970s
gallery: A scent of the 1970s
Freaky wallpapers
gallery: Freaky wallpapers
The recycling plant
gallery: The recycling plant
The abandoned residential area
gallery: The abandoned residential area
The abandoned army depot
gallery: The abandoned army depot
Concrete ruins of the very past
gallery: Concrete ruins of the very past
Caught by fire
gallery: Caught by fire
Stockholm gloom
gallery: Stockholm gloom
The farmer's sawmill
gallery: The farmer's sawmill
The abandoned village
gallery: The abandoned village
Scrap and faded colors
gallery: Scrap and faded colors
The abandoned distillery
gallery: The abandoned distillery
Abandoned chairs
gallery: Abandoned chairs
The collapsed roof tile factory
gallery: The collapsed roof tile factory
They locked, left and never came back
gallery: They locked, left and never came back
The abandoned roller shade factory
gallery: The abandoned roller shade factory
The abandoned peat moss plant
gallery: The abandoned peat moss plant
In the shadows of the brick works
gallery: In the shadows of the brick works
The old flour mill
gallery: The old flour mill
The old sugar mill
gallery: The old sugar mill
The abandoned limestone plant
gallery: The abandoned limestone plant
The abandoned oil depot
gallery: The abandoned oil depot
The abandoned leather factory
gallery: The abandoned leather factory
The demolished steel works
gallery: The demolished steel works
The abandoned ore concentration plant
gallery: The abandoned ore concentration plant
One of these abandoned paper mills
gallery: One of these abandoned paper mills
Abandoned sugar mills
gallery: Abandoned sugar mills
gallery: Uckange
The abandoned locomotive depot
gallery: The abandoned locomotive depot
The abandoned coking plant
gallery: The abandoned coking plant
The Huber Breaker
gallery: The Huber Breaker
The abandoned university
gallery: The abandoned university
Another abandoned chemical plant
gallery: Another abandoned chemical plant
The abandoned grain storage
gallery: The abandoned grain storage
gallery: Trabonella
The abandoned casting foundry
gallery: The abandoned casting foundry
The abandoned plywood factory
gallery: The abandoned plywood factory
Ruins of despair
gallery: Ruins of despair
The abandoned car
gallery: The abandoned car
An abandoned furnace
gallery: An abandoned furnace
Abandoned backup power stations
gallery: Abandoned backup power stations
The abandoned oil shale plant
gallery: The abandoned oil shale plant
The abandoned rebar factory
gallery: The abandoned rebar factory
The car dump
gallery: The car dump
Another abandoned car dump
gallery: Another abandoned car dump
A few vehicles left to rot
gallery: A few vehicles left to rot
Fallen workhorses
gallery: Fallen workhorses
One of these rural dumps
gallery: One of these rural dumps
Another cement factory ruin
gallery: Another cement factory ruin
In the shadow of the coal mine
gallery: In the shadow of the coal mine
The abandoned castle
gallery: The abandoned castle
Another abandoned castle
gallery: Another abandoned castle
The abandoned monastery
gallery: The abandoned monastery
The City Methodist Church
gallery: The City Methodist Church
The ancient cement factory
gallery: The ancient cement factory
The abandoned racing track
gallery: The abandoned racing track
The abandoned motel
gallery: The abandoned motel
Abandoned fortifications
gallery: Abandoned fortifications
The abandoned hydropower lab
gallery: The abandoned hydropower lab
The abandoned laundry
gallery: The abandoned laundry
The locomotive factory
gallery: The locomotive factory
Rural workshops
gallery: Rural workshops
The bankruptcy
gallery: The bankruptcy
Slow decomposition
gallery: Slow decomposition
Another abandoned peat moss plant
gallery: Another abandoned peat moss plant
The abandoned camping
gallery: The abandoned camping
Yet another abandoned sulphate mill
gallery: Yet another abandoned sulphate mill
The abandoned board factory
gallery: The abandoned board factory
The abandoned refueling station
gallery: The abandoned refueling station
Silently abandoned
gallery: Silently abandoned
The abandoned farm
gallery: The abandoned farm
An amazing vintage car dump
gallery: An amazing vintage car dump
The abandoned civil defense bunker
gallery: The abandoned civil defense bunker
The abandoned Aeronautical Research Institute
gallery: The abandoned Aeronautical Research Institute
The abandoned oil refinery
gallery: The abandoned oil refinery
The Abandoned Amusement Park
gallery: The Abandoned Amusement Park
The abandoned theme park
gallery: The abandoned theme park
The abandoned viscose factory
gallery: The abandoned viscose factory
The Innocenti factory
gallery: The Innocenti factory
The abandoned log flume
gallery: The abandoned log flume
The abandoned Inland Railway
gallery: The abandoned Inland Railway
The Forest Dump
gallery: The Forest Dump
The abandoned tar factory
gallery: The abandoned tar factory
The demolished ropeway
gallery: The demolished ropeway
An abandoned processing plant
gallery: An abandoned processing plant
Yet another abandoned peat moss plant
gallery: Yet another abandoned peat moss plant
A few shipwrecks
gallery: A few shipwrecks
The Masurian Canal
gallery: The Masurian Canal
Penthouse Adriatic
gallery: Penthouse Adriatic
The abandoned freemason's temple
gallery: The abandoned freemason's temple
The Dirty Harry trestle
gallery: The Dirty Harry trestle
The Dumbarton cutoff line
gallery: The Dumbarton cutoff line
Deurbanization in the United States
gallery: Deurbanization in the United States
The Monterey Branch
gallery: The Monterey Branch
Another abandoned sawmill
gallery: Another abandoned sawmill