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Bob and I went back to Ohio to revisit birding hotspots including Magee Marsh boardwalk, Oak Openings, Metzger Marsh, Ontario Wildlife Refuge. We chose a perfect time to go. The "fallout" was spectacular, and we had several wonderful birding days.
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Great Lakes Trip
:: Great Lakes Trip ::
:: arizona_2014 ::
Our Recent trip to WW II battle sites
:: Our Recent trip to WW II battle sites ::
Birding Ohio 2018
:: Birding Ohio 2018 ::
WW I Battle Sites, Museums and Memorials
:: WW I Battle Sites, Museums and Memorials ::
A Few Days in Arkansas
:: A Few Days in Arkansas ::
2015-16 California Trip
:: 2015-16 California Trip ::
A BirdingTrip to Veracruz, Mexico
:: A BirdingTrip to Veracruz, Mexico ::
:: costa_rica_2005 ::
Two Weeks in Alaska
:: Two Weeks in Alaska ::
Spring 2005 Warbler Cavort
:: Spring 2005 Warbler Cavort ::
Another Winter Trip to Georgia and Florida 2007
:: Another Winter Trip to Georgia and Florida 2007 ::
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