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Jean McConochie | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Antarctic Spring 2004 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Antarctic Spring 2004

- Photos by Jean McConochie - Processing and post production by Dave Werner - All photos © Jean McConochie 2005 -
- Photos optimised for Mac viewing - For PC viewing, please bump up the brightness a bit. Thank you! -
- Click on individual images for larger versions ("Original" is best) - Or click on "Slideshow" in the upper right of the frame-
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King penguin colony, the largest on South Georgia, at St. Andrews Bay
King penguin colony, the largest on South Georgia, at St. Andrews Bay
Morning sunlight breaks through the gloom in the Neumayer Channel
Morning sunlight breaks through the gloom in the Neumayer Channel
Mr. DeMille . . . ?
"Mr. DeMille . . . ?"
u15/jeanmcc/medium/38720139.dw7508a.jpg Gentoos hitch a ride
Gentoos hitch a ride
King penguins on the march
King penguins on the march
Male elephant seals battle before an audience of king penguins
Male elephant seals battle before an audience of king penguins
Oooh, I like this! How much?
"Oooh, I like this! How much?"
Teenage angst
Teenage angst
On fast ice.
On "fast ice."
Weddell seal vocalizing while dreaming ...
Weddell seal vocalizing while dreaming ...
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