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Jeff Kohn | profile | all galleries >> Places >> California >> Eastern Sierra Nevada, July 2009 >> Bishop Area tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Yosemite High Country | Misc High Sierra | Bishop Area | Mono Lake, South Tufa Area | Ancient Bristlecones, White Mountains | Bodie Ghost Town

Bishop Area

First Light, Mack Lake, Little Lakes Valley
First Light, Mack Lake, Little Lakes Valley
Marsh Lake, Little Lakes Valley
Marsh Lake, Little Lakes Valley
Box Lake, Little Lakes Valley
Box Lake, Little Lakes Valley
Log Jam, Blue Lake
Log Jam, Blue Lake
Tree Lounging on Granite
Tree Lounging on Granite
Heart Lake, Little Lakes Valley
Heart Lake, Little Lakes Valley
Blue Lake
Blue Lake
Palisades and Setting Moon
Palisades and Setting Moon
Rock Creek and Box Lake, Little Lakes Valley.jpg
Rock Creek and Box Lake, Little Lakes Valley.jpg
South Lake
South Lake
Morning Light on the Sierra Nevada, Starlite Drive
Morning Light on the Sierra Nevada, Starlite Drive
Reflections on Mack Lake, Little Lakes Valley
Reflections on Mack Lake, Little Lakes Valley