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Java and Moki on the way to Newport June 24 2009 photo.jpg

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B-day No. 5 on Pbase!

Spent the day with my oldest niece taking the dogs to Newport RI for walk, visit to Woof the bakery for dogs, the Black dog T shirt company, and We are now off to Alfornos for dinner!

Road TRIP!

A dog bakery!

Enjoying Birthday cup cakes!

Human Birthday cup cake!

Apple iPhone
1/17s f/2.8 at 3.8mm iso70 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time24-Jun-2009 12:21:01
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length3.8 mm
Exposure Time1/17 sec
ISO Equivalent70
Exposure Bias
White Balance
Metering Mode (-1)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Program
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Jackdad26-Jun-2009 16:46
Ohhh how cute is that!
sounds like a great day for pooches, aunts and nieces. :-)
Michael Todd Thorpe24-Jun-2009 23:57
Now, that's the way dogs like to sleep!
Sue Roberts24-Jun-2009 23:40
great birthday celebration!