Dear friends: Thank you for looking at my images on this netsite, If I count the simple statistics AND those on one other netsite, I am one of the most viewed and underpublicized photographers out there, I don't use Galleries, ONLY the internet for right now. PBase has one of the nicest netsites when it comes to display quality, but times change, and despite simple requests, it appears that this netsite's willingness to update itself and to plug holes in the software are just not going to happen, so I have removed ALL of my images to protect myself. Regards, John F.
In your case I would go with the 18-135mm lens. In my case I did add a lens, namely a cheap "G" 28-80mm recommended by Ken Rockwell. It is very plasticky, but optical quality is excellent. I found it used on Ebay. On a recent trip to Mexico I took along both the C8080 and the D80. After a while the D80 stayed at the hotel and I started using the C8080 again, despite its inferior focus and slowness.