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Jeremy Rowntree | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Images of Marrakesh tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Images of Marrakesh

This gallery shows some of the dancers and musicians at the 1995 Marrakesh Folk Festival,
in Morocco, as well as scenes in and around the city itself.
Place Jemaa el Fna
Place Jemaa el Fna
Souk Traders
Souk Traders
Souk Courtyard
Souk Courtyard
Henna painted hands
Henna painted hands
Dancers at rest
Dancers at rest
Tuareg flautist
Tuareg flautist
Berber musicians
Berber musicians
Berber dancers
Berber dancers
Musicians and dancers
Musicians and dancers
v3/45/440745/3/45751503.Marrakesh9.jpg Ait M'Gouna people dancing the Kela'a
Ait M'Gouna people dancing the Kela'a
Ait M'Gouna people dancing the Kela'a
Ait M'Gouna people dancing the Kela'a
Ait M'Gouna people dancing the Kela'a
Ait M'Gouna people dancing the Kela'a
Bendir players
Bendir players
Fiona joins an ahouache dance
Fiona joins an ahouache dance
A visitor made welcome
A visitor made welcome
A Mosque in the French quarter
A Mosque in the French quarter
Wall inscriptions - Saadian Tombs
Wall inscriptions - Saadian Tombs
Saadian Tombs
Saadian Tombs
Ben Youssef Medersa
Ben Youssef Medersa
Ben Youssef Medersa
Ben Youssef Medersa
Saadian Tombs
Saadian Tombs