NGC 2264 Diffuse Nebula and Open Cluster in Monoceros. This complex is also known as “The Cone
Nebula and the Chrismas Tree Cluster”. Taken Jan 9, 10 & 11, 2007 with a DSI Pro II and Outback
Cooler on a C80ED operating at f6 with a WO 0.8x field flattener/reducer. RGB subframes were 3 min,
while H-alpha subframes (using an Astronomik 13nm filter) were 4 min for a total exposure in Ha+R:G:B
(in min) = 188+63:72:63. The H-alpha composit was also blended with the RGB channels to build a
luminosity image for final LRGB processing. Captured with Envisage, calibrated and sigma combined in
Iris with other processing using PixInsight LE and Photoshop CS. North is up.