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katjas's Recent Galleries

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07-Jun-2017 17:37
:: wild_flowers ::
04-May-2017 12:22
Totally Spring
:: Totally Spring ::
19-Apr-2017 13:14
:: stones ::
15-Apr-2017 20:41
flowers for a rainy day
:: flowers for a rainy day ::
01-Apr-2017 10:54
Into the light
:: Into the light ::
11-Mar-2017 13:59
green impressions
:: green impressions ::
10-Mar-2017 17:38
Where the trees have no name
:: Where the trees have no name ::
03-Mar-2017 11:33
:: winterwonderland ::
02-Mar-2017 18:22
:: trees ::
21-Mar-2016 22:33
water magic
:: water magic ::
21-Jan-2016 08:50
:: Wintergraphics ::
15-Jan-2016 18:57
how deep is the ocean...
:: how deep is the ocean... ::