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Kimberley Hannaman Taylor | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Driven to Abstraction tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Driven to Abstraction

This is going to be a technological playground for me. Some will be motion shots where no post production editing is used - the trick will be in the catching the image by chance (it's not all trick, I have to guess what might work then hope for the best). The rest will be extremely saturated or ultra high contrast versions of existing photos that I "discover" while playing in Photoshop.
I'm just learning PS and will always be learning photography and in here I will offer my riskier choices. The discoveries and horrors. Hope you like them.
Sparkler Frame
Sparkler Frame
Sparkler Abstract
Sparkler Abstract
DJ Sorcery
DJ Sorcery
Bird Fragment
Bird Fragment
Solarized Cart
Solarized Cart
Space Orchids
Space Orchids
Shaharazad Gorey Style
Shaharazad Gorey Style
Space Rooster
Space Rooster
Classical Car Park
Classical Car Park
Virtual Pointelism
Virtual Pointelism
Blues Trees
Blues Trees
Red Ice
Red Ice
Life in the Fast Lane
Life in the Fast Lane
The Amazing Technicolor Whirlpool
The Amazing Technicolor Whirlpool
There Goes Tokyo
There Goes Tokyo
High Contrast Baby Doll
High Contrast Baby Doll
Modern Life Mask
Modern Life Mask
Ice Column
Ice Column
Ice Drops
Ice Drops
Angry Tree
Angry Tree
My Mom's Better Than Yours
"My Mom's Better Than Yours"
Grandma Presley
Grandma Presley