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Flora | all galleries >> Galleries >> Flagler Museum > Flagler Museum, Railcar No. 91
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Flagler Museum, Railcar No. 91

Railcar No. 91
Flagler’s private railcar, railcar #91, exhibited in the Pavilion, was built in 1886 by the Jackson and Sharp Company of Wilmington, Delaware. A newspaper article written at the time of its delivery to Flagler heralded the railcar as “A Palace on Wheels” and went on to praise the car’s fine appointments such as its oak paneling and desk. The railcar was one of two private railcars Flagler used to survey his railroad empire. Flagler traveled by this railcar in 1912 along the Overseas Railway to Key West to celebrate the completion of the FEC Railway to Key West, a phenomenal engineering feat.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Alain Boussac12-Jul-2012 06:00
Superb presence and light. V.
cits_4_pets11-Jul-2012 13:55
Nice light and details on the old stove and water kettles. Well composed.
Colin Storey09-Jul-2012 21:09
Great colours details and light and superb information. v
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