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Paul Dudley | profile | all galleries >> Sculpture Exhibitions >> Sculpture by the Sea 2009 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

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Sculpture by the Sea 2009

Part of #1: signs of 2009
Part of #1: "signs of 2009"
#2: crack
#2: "crack"
#3; sanctuary
#3; "sanctuary"
#4: alchemy
#4: "alchemy"
#6: merry-andrew the limner arrives
#6: "merry-andrew the limner arrives"
#8: a man above
#8: "a man above"
#9: rising tension III
#9: "rising tension III"
#10: eye sea you
#10: "eye sea you"
#10: eye sea you
#10: "eye sea you"
#12: 6th constructive cannibalism
#12: "6th constructive cannibalism"
#12: 6th constructive cannibalism
#12: "6th constructive cannibalism"
$13: regenerate
$13: "regenerate"
Some of #14: plant people
Some of #14: "plant people"
Some more of #14: plant people
Some more of #14: "plant people"
Part of #1: signs of 2009
Part of #1: "signs of 2009"
#15: once was blue
#15: "once was blue"
#16 (right) and #17 (left)
#16 (right) and #17 (left)
#17: the shoppers
#17: "the shoppers"
#18: density lessens
#18: "density lessens"
Part of #19: chaos and order
Part of #19: "chaos and order"
#20: face fingers folds
#20: "face fingers folds"
View back to Bondi Beach
View back to Bondi Beach
#21: evolution
#21: "evolution"
Non-sculpture couple on the rocks
Non-sculpture couple on the rocks
Collecting Statistics
Collecting Statistics
Two-thirds of #22: fractal columns
Two-thirds of #22: "fractal columns"
#23: gilded cage
#23: "gilded cage"
#24: pot 09
#24: "pot 09"
#25: what the wind said II
#25: "what the wind said II"
Indian mynah
Indian mynah
#27: pattern III
#27: "pattern III"
Aboriginal rock engraving
Aboriginal rock engraving
#26 going up? and #28 morpheus
#26 "going up?" and #28 "morpheus"
#30: untitled
#30: untitled
#31: close relationships: together series
#31: "close relationships: together series"
#32: ezra's ounce
#32: "ezra's ounce"
#33: crate
#33: "crate"
#34: oushi zokei 2009 heart
#34: "oushi zokei 2009 heart"
#35: the remembrance windmill
#35: "the remembrance windmill"
#37: tatters
#37: "tatters"
#37: tatters
#37: "tatters"
#38; suton-stone
#38; "suton-stone"
#40: time and tide granite monolith II
#40: "time and tide granite monolith II"
#42: the eight
#42: "the eight"
Provider of coconuts and smiles
Provider of coconuts and smiles
#46: sunken cathedral
#46: "sunken cathedral"
The pink half of #47: eye see you
The pink half of #47: "eye see you"
Child exploring #47
Child exploring #47
#48 (left): sogana
#48 (left): "sogana"
#49: the sea
#49: "the sea"
#50: secret weapon
#50: "secret weapon"
#52: dna
#52: "dna"
#53: everything I see and #44: cadenza
#53: "everything I see" and #44: "cadenza"
#54: sky trial II
#54: "sky trial II"
#55: arte de las playas
#55: "arte de las playas"
#56: kazuko no katachi
#56: "kazuko no katachi"
#59: embracing the plateau
#59: "embracing the plateau"
#62: traced tower
#62: "traced tower"
#63: tribute to a workhorse
#63: "tribute to a workhorse"
#65: falling man
#65: "falling man"
#67: scooter girls
#67: "scooter girls"
#69: transition
#69: "transition"
#70: untitled
#70: untitled
#70: untitled
#70: untitled
#71: irinami
#71: "irinami"
#72: rat race
#72: "rat race"
#73: prelude to the waves
#73: "prelude to the waves"
Comfortable non-sculpture
Comfortable non-sculpture
Part of #1: signs of 2009
Part of #1: "signs of 2009"
#75: earth elephant
#75: "earth elephant"
#76: waiting
#76: "waiting"
#77: railway links
#77: "railway links"
Part of #80: step by step, inch by inch ... towards the precipice
Part of #80: "step by step, inch by inch ... towards the precipice"
The other part of #80
The other part of #80
#81: to be or not to be
#81: "to be or not to be"
#82: the ability to imagine
#82: "the ability to imagine"
#83: connected
#83: "connected"
#84: joie de vivre
#84: "joie de vivre"
#85: proliferation
#85: "proliferation"
#86: transfiguration 'screw' IX
#86: "transfiguration 'screw' IX"
#87: subterfuge
#87: "subterfuge"
#89: bronzed aussies
#89: "bronzed aussies"
#91: a train kid
#91: "a train kid"
#92: pod form
#92: "pod form"
#94: sea nymph
#94: "sea nymph"
#95: flight from life
#95: "flight from life"
#96: grape seeds
#96: "grape seeds"
#97: brain child 611
#97: "brain child 611"
#100: pole dance
#100: "pole dance"
#101 seen across Tamarama Beach
#101 seen across Tamarama Beach
Hot thirsty pigeon
Hot thirsty pigeon
#101: illums box
#101: "illums box"
#102:  .... overwhelming ...
#102: " .... overwhelming ..."
Small sculpture
Small sculpture
#103: dying for a drink
#103: "dying for a drink"
Small sculpture
Small sculpture
Small sculpture
Small sculpture
#105: a crab in the works
#105: "a crab in the works"
Small sculpture
Small sculpture
#108: where is the freedom?
#108: "where is the freedom?"
#110: little boy lost
#110: "little boy lost"
#111: a symbolic inscription of the imaginary
#111: "a symbolic inscription of the imaginary"