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From Syria, we visited Lebanon for a day and were amazed at the contrast between the bullet-ridden buildings on the outskirts of Beirut and the obvious signs of investment and wealth that was evident along the water-front. We were also struck by the different cultures of Lebanon and the other Middle Eastern countries we had visited. Lebanese women were dressed in Western clothes, showing bare arms and legs, compared with the long, black burkhas that we had witnessed since the beginning of the trip.

Lebanan was the most expensive country we visited.
Baalbek - Temple of Jupiter
Baalbek - Temple of Jupiter
Beirut - bullet ridden building
Beirut - bullet ridden building
Beirut - reminder of the war
Beirut - reminder of the war
Temple of the Sun
Temple of the Sun
Baalbek colomns
Baalbek colomns
looking up
looking up