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lorin niculae | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
“The colour and the sensible matter tell the story of the places, spin a yarn by depicting the combination of light and shadow and bring forth nostalgia for purity, essence and simplicity.
Lorin is able to see what the people bear in their souls and carry imprinted on their faces without being conscious of the load or treasure they hide. He immortalizes dreams, wishes, games, solitudes, melancholy, aspirations, in short, the human nature.
If the fragment mirrors the intimate process of thinking and its visual correspondent is the snapshot, these fragments of life represent a ceaseless search for truth, beauty and harmony.
The patient eye knows how to discover, by searching modalities for dialogue and creating bridges, it feels and captures the essence in order to render it faithfully after it had been filtered by the author’s sensibility. Even though they are elaborately built, the images are veiled in a poetic atmosphere. Thematic and compositional landmarks, the photographs embody the signs of the ephemeral, of the ever-changing.
The insight into the substance of things and the return to the primordial are perceived by the one that has learned to see in the incipient phases the forgotten or hidden brilliance and majesty.
One of the most precious characteristics of a human being is to be able to see the whole universe as a university, an open and marvelous space, by paying attention and learning from all the things that surround him, a child discovering the clouds, the flight, the fear, the sublime joy of freedom, the un-dreamt-of ways of initiation, the aspiration, the sun, the whole world.”
Alexandra Purnichescu, doctoral candidate, The Centre of Excellence in the Study of Image, University of Bucharest
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