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glimpses by lu | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
my peace

Double click on each picture to see more glimpses by lu................Please leave comments!!!!
photo a day or every other day.....
photo a day or every other day.....
the sands over time
the sands over time
 Brayden Michael, my Grandson, my lifeline
Brayden Michael, my Grandson, my lifeline
funny faces
funny faces
new beginnings
new beginnings
walk foward my friends..................
walk foward my friends..................
heart leaves
heart leaves
soccer time
soccer time
for my great-grandpa
for my great-grandpa
in the shadows, at the beach & hearts all around..........and.....
in the shadows, at the beach & hearts all around..........and.....
my animal friends
my animal friends
its just rocks
its just rocks
just weird - a heart in every image
just weird - a heart in every image
just about yellow
just about yellow
dew drop in
dew drop in