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Stu | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Guest 11-Dec-2007 05:17

Your galleries are gorgeous. I love your use of the wide angle lens. Thanks for visiting my gallery.

Guest 09-Dec-2007 20:09
Hi Stewart,
Thanks for leaving a comment on my pictures. You have some fantastic shots, I love the mood you create with your photos
Charlie McCartney29-Apr-2007 16:33
Hi Stewart,

Enjoyed a visit to Port Allen today after looking at your superb gallery. I can see why you enjoy the area so much. Unfortunately, the weather wasn't great..... better luck next time.
Regards, Charlie.
Guest 25-Jan-2007 17:57
Hi Steward
I am very lucky to find you gallery. To many to look through and to much excitement. I am very very impressed by your work. You are a great artist, Steward.

Charlie McCartney01-Jan-2007 06:04
Hello Stewart,

Enjoyed a look around your galleries... you have some cracking image... All the best for 2007. Regards, Charlie
Guest 18-Sep-2006 02:14
Thank you for visiting my site and the nice comment. You have very beautiful images on your site. Keep up the good work and I will be looking quite often.
Marek Hofman17-Sep-2006 14:29
Hi Stewart,

thanks for visiting my galleries. Just beautiful galleries!
Guest 17-Sep-2006 08:58
Thank you for visiting my galleries and for your comments!
John Beck16-Aug-2006 11:47
You really have a way with contrast. Lovely galleries. I'll be back for sure.
Downforce Photography15-Aug-2006 10:43
STewart thanks for coming by... your images are breathtaking and I'm adding you to my favorites list. I have so many questions I don't know where to begin! Where can I purchase your works from CPHRC?

Guest 07-Aug-2006 23:07
Hi Stu,
Thank you for visiting my site and posting an encouraging comment. You have captured many amazing horizon photos which I thoroughly enjoy.

Best Regards,
jaac06-Aug-2006 23:51
Hi Stewart, thanks for the comment, much appreciated :-)

Where to start with your galleries, well i started with
the b&w gallery, excellent images. Also had a look around some
of the colour galleries too, some stunning images. I will
call back for a more thouough browse later.


Shirley Wang05-Aug-2006 03:13
Great photography! You've got many beautiful shots.
Katie Chew04-Jul-2006 00:18
Thank you for your comment on the photo of the Crow..
Guest 03-Jul-2006 13:20
Hi Stew! I looked around at your recent work - you've really amped up the colors lately! Very dramatic and lovely. How ya' been?
Marcia Colelli25-Mar-2006 23:50
Once again thank you for your comment on my flower.

I wnet to Dundee one of the nights that I was in Scotland. We took night shots of the bridge. Also took shots of a church up on a hill on our way there. I can nt remember the name of it but it was all lit up and way off the road and owned by a publishing company is what we were told. I do have a shot of it in my Scotland gallery
AL06-Mar-2006 15:01
Thanks for your kind comment on my photo and glad to find the chance to view your impressive collection. Look forward to see and learn more from you.
Guest 05-Mar-2006 03:19
I glad you left the comment in my gallery as it has led me to your photos
Great work you have here.

Marcia Colelli04-Mar-2006 00:57
Thank you very much for your commment on my flower. Loved your castle shots
Guest 03-Mar-2006 22:10
Thanks for your intrest in my aspen image and your nice comment...
Alida Thorpe03-Mar-2006 18:24
Thank you for commenting on my photos. I checked your profile and galleries. Nice work. I also see that you have photos on Flickr. So do I, so I made you one of my contacts so I can check your photos often. Thank you, Alida
Martha Albuquerque24-Feb-2006 16:57
thanks for comming to my photo!

love your work!

i will come back for more!

Günter Borgemeister30-Dec-2005 08:13
Thanks for your kind comments on my galleries.
Best wishes for you and a very happy new year!
yannick Beunard12-Oct-2005 16:08
thanks for your comment.I dont know how i had this idea but it seems that photographers like fun !
Guest 12-Oct-2005 10:42
Like many others I was pleased enough with your comments, but having now seen your work I am genuinely flattered - especially from a fellow Scot!

I look forward to seeing more of your work.
@ Bruce Gilling09-Oct-2005 00:14
thanks for comments your galleries are fantastic
Guest 08-Oct-2005 23:20
Thanks for the comment on one of my photos... You have an incredible portfolio.
Guest 01-Oct-2005 17:38
Hi Stewart,
I just came across your galleries today and enjoyed
your wonderful work. Thank you for your nice comment.
Extremely privileged! I will return often.
Regards from Tokyo,
rljslick28-Sep-2005 20:13
I Love your site, very well done. The B&Ws are awesome.
caveman_lee20-Sep-2005 13:54
Hi Stewart,

Thanks for visiting my galleries. Your galleries are really impressive too. The Lisbon and Portugal gallery are very good !

Chris Sofopoulos19-Sep-2005 17:36
You have a very good photographic eye and great sense of aesthetic. I admire your work very much and you are in my list of favourite artists.
Guest 18-Sep-2005 13:53
Thanks for your nice comment on my image...I enjoyed yor Castles Gallery very much
Rene Hales05-Sep-2005 11:53
Your writing and photos both amaze me. I love to read what you have to say each day. Thanks for sharing so much of your self in pictures and words.--Rene
MacPhot11-Aug-2005 08:33
hmmm....just found your gallery! too much to look through right now so I've stuck you in my favourites to have a longer look over at leisure but these look like great galleries of Scotland....regards.
Guest 10-Aug-2005 11:31
Oi Stu,

Obrigado pelos comentários e explicações :-)
Desculpa a demora em responder, mas raramente vejo minhas mensagens no PBase.


Guest 11-Jun-2005 11:31
Ola Stu, vejo que fizeste boa viagem. Obrigado pelos elogios mas não é bem assim, não sou nenhum mestre nem nada que se pareça. Estou sem internet, ando a fazer obras em casa e tenho os computadores todos desligados, até ao dia 16 não se pode lá entrar é so cimento e tinta por todo o lado. Gostei muito de estar com o Pedro e contigo, nas férias vamo-nos encontrar outra vez pois gostava de te mostrar, com mais tempo, a beleza deste lugar. Um abraço
Guest 08-Jun-2005 02:09
Thanks for the comments on

-- Rob
Nunes BEIRAO - PHOTO01-May-2005 23:51
Hi, Stewart
Thanks for stopping by my gallery, and for the gentle comments.
It gave me the opportunity to see your wonderful and excellent work!!!
Guest 23-Apr-2005 07:44
HI Stewart
Just a quick message to say congratulations on completing the PAD project. You evidently have significnatly more discipline that I do. I got to January 6 and then stopped. Your posts have inspired me to have another crack. Good luck for the match on Sunday.
IO 18-Mar-2005 22:05
Olá Stu!, eh pá cruzámo-nos de certeza, porque me lembro bem da Cristina (dava-nos garrafa de champagne nos anos) e da Brigitte (que está em França). Era ainda o tempo que não havia que petiscar no irish, e íamos ao restaurante ao lado buscar pregos e rissóis, para lá ficar das 18 horas até aquilo fechar! _ Grande Abraço, Slainte!, IO (blog.chuinga).

Enviado por IO
Guest 19-Feb-2005 22:04
Interesantes fotografías
Gracias por compartirlas
Saludos desde España donde tienes un amigo
markvm16-Feb-2005 00:44
Thanks for your comments, Stewart. I appreciate it very much.
Gabriele Hasslacher28-Jan-2005 20:54
You have very interesting galleries with absolutely beautiful pictures, Stewart!
I really enjoyed looking through them!
Will come back to see what's new.
Ian Clowes28-Jan-2005 17:28
Hi - you're probably right! We actually lived in Troon for nearly 10 years many years ago - and all our children were born there. I'm just waiting for their accents to develop as they get beyond their teens :)
Gallia 07-Jan-2005 12:10
Hello Stewart,
After some hesitation, I have finally mustered the courage to write to you! I would like to tell you that I love your photography, and that I am in awe before the beauty your eye captures so well.
I actually have made my way to your photo gallery through my love for Portugal. I wish I could perhaps ask you a few things about Portugal.Could I possibly e-mail you?
Thank you,
Gallia(French student!)
Tristan 29-Dec-2004 15:42
I like the idea of being able to messages.
Guest 20-Dec-2004 16:57
Hi, I really enjoy your daily bowl of stu... Interesting pictures and witty commentary make a great combination! Perhaps a challenge to take up for the new year...
markvm08-Dec-2004 21:56
Just want to thank you for visiting my pad and commenting on some of my photos. I appreciate it very much!
~Mark Megerle
Guest 15-Nov-2004 19:50
I really like your photos. nice variety of images.
great work!
Très belle gallerie avec beaucoup de variété
En fantastisk samling, mycket vackert.
Wunderbare Bilder.

Guest 10-Nov-2004 01:37
Thank you for commenting on my picture. Your works are inspiring. I like them.
Ed Knepley23-Oct-2004 21:53
Make that I *would* proof...

Now you see what I mean. By the way I also meant to say that although I don't comment often, I do stop by daily. I look forward to your daily story.
Ed Knepley23-Oct-2004 21:50
Had I known that my PAD gibberish was being read by a wordsmith, I proof read more carefully. Although I'm just a dumb retired injunear I at least like to appear literate. I changed my sun *peak*ing over the horizon to peek - but too late I'm afraid.
Are Karlsen14-Oct-2004 23:28
It would be nice to have your experiences with scanning old films, a review of the scanner, etc. If you post anything like that, please tell me.
Torarinn Olafsson (Toti)07-Oct-2004 14:28
Hi Stewart,

Thank you for your visit to my place and many postive remarks. I will be coming back to your place.
kind regards
Guest 30-Aug-2004 23:49
Obrigado pelo simpático comentário que deixou na minha galeria.

Gostei de ver o carinho com que trata Portugal. Obrigado também por isso.
Guest 28-Jul-2004 13:34
great galleries, and subjects! keep on my man.
Mattana23-Jul-2004 08:38
Hi Stewart,
Follow up message. I have just had a chance to come back and visit your galleries. They are very nice. I like the way you presented them - very informative -- Pictures that tell stories. This is certainly a place I will return to... Nice work.
Gavin14-Jul-2004 02:41
thanks for popping by and taking a peek at my pages, had a quick look around yours, can only say Great stuff, glad you are now enjoying yourself in Dundee. Its good seeing a different perspective on familiar views. Will certainly be back for more.

Mattana10-Jul-2004 21:42
Thanks for your comments on my church gallery. I am glad you enjoy it.
jypsee08-Jul-2004 18:24
Hi...thanks for your specific descriptors in your comments. I always appreciate knowing why someone thinks a photo works (or not....mostly, I don't post the stuff I sell on there are many that are "or not). I really like your photographic style. Very "reportage" and intimate at the same time; unique.
Guest 18-Jun-2004 22:01
Just beautiful galleries!
Coleen 17-Jun-2004 10:30
Am enjoying your pictures. Yes, we in Louisiana are really feeling the heat. 88 degrees with high humidity is our normal for the summer months and IT IS HOT as Dante's hell.
Argishti Khachik15-Jun-2004 12:01
thanks for visiting my galleries and leaving kind comments! ;-)
I checked your galleries too and I like them very much! thanks for sharing them with us!
northstar3720-May-2004 08:11
Very good and interesting images! I enjoyed having a peek at them all.
Zak15-May-2004 10:18
you've got quite a few great pics, keep up the good work! :-)