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Monte Dodge | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Ghost Towns of the Pacific Northwest tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Ghost Towns of the Pacific Northwest

Several Ghost towns of days gone by still survive in the outmost reaches of the Pacific North west. Washington State was several with Bodie , Molson and Liberty topping the list. Great places to go and unwind while glimcing into life in the past....
:: Molson ::
Liberty Washington
:: Liberty Washington ::
Bodie Washington
:: Bodie Washington ::
 NightHawk, Washington
::  NightHawk, Washington ::
Chesaw , Washington
:: Chesaw , Washington ::
Farmer , Washington
:: Farmer , Washington ::
:: Waconda ::
:: Govan ::
Almira ( Ghost Town With  Real  Ghosts)
:: Almira ( Ghost Town With " Real " Ghosts) ::
Roslyn Wash.
:: Roslyn Wash. ::
 Trinity ( Copper Mine Ghost Town Since 1938)
::  Trinity ( Copper Mine Ghost Town Since 1938) ::
::  Holden ::
::  Lucerne ::
::  Monse ::
 Touhey Washington
::  Touhey Washington ::
 Withrow Washington
::  Withrow Washington ::
Azurite Mine ( 1918-1939 )
:: Azurite Mine ( 1918-1939 ) ::