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Laura Paradis 21-Aug-2008 11:22
You have been blessed with a rare talent of moment catching.
twistedlim02-May-2008 13:53
Thank you for the kind comment.
Bernie McKenna 02-Apr-2008 18:26
You have a wonderful ability to capture images that actually seem to breath with a life of their own.
Guest 05-Mar-2008 16:21
Thanks for the nice comment on my pheasant image...
Hubert Steed02-Mar-2008 16:06
Interesting & enjoyable collection of galleries. Thank you for sharing.
Guest 20-Jun-2007 05:38
Keep moving forward. I can see that you have a lot of potential.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 12:39
Stunning work.
Guest 12-Jul-2006 12:12
depends on where i am at the middle or on the ohio or kentucky side most of photos are going to be all ferry.....
Guest 10-Jul-2006 04:06
very nice photos...kyle
Lilith30-Jun-2006 12:56
Thanks for your comment in my 'fresh' guestbook. Very funny and inspiring pics you've got.
Take care!
Guest 04-May-2006 17:56
Thanks for stopping by and looking at some of my photos, and your comments Margaret ...David
John Beck21-Apr-2006 19:23
A very nice gallery. You do very nice work. Shoot a lot of pictures and hope to see them here....John
Clyde & Jo Taylor 20-Apr-2006 13:46
Great pics! Viewing your photos sure beats watching TV. Thanks for letting us know about your gallery. Will be checking in from now on. Clyde & Jo
Guest 13-Apr-2006 12:53
great have been added to my favorites.. will be back to visit often..
Dennis McDonnell13-Apr-2006 03:04
Nice Gallery Magoo...thanks for stopping by mine as well...there are some really sweet and unusual but classic things in here, esp. the one window shot w. berries...Dennis
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad11-Apr-2006 23:43
Your gallery has a very good mix of style and creativity. You have a keen eye for composition too. Nice work, magoo!
Guest 18-Mar-2006 01:12
Margaret, Your work is beautiful!!! The pictures ar true art. You are blessed with such a talent to see the beautiful....Good Luck!! thanks for sending the web site i will check it often...Nice Job...Jean