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All Programs

This gallery shows almost all of MeetChinaBiz programs (except executive roundtables from 2002-2004), in reverse chronological order.
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04.06.2007 | MCB Boston Chapter Executive Rountable
04.06.2007 | MCB Boston Chapter Executive Rountable
03.22.2007 | MCB Hartford Chapter Executive Rountable
03.22.2007 | MCB Hartford Chapter Executive Rountable
03.20.2007 | MCB Philadelphia Chapter Executive Rountable
03.20.2007 | MCB Philadelphia Chapter Executive Rountable
02.26.2007 | MCB Chicago Chapter Executive Roundtable
02.26.2007 | MCB Chicago Chapter Executive Roundtable
01.31.2007 | MCB Philadelphia Chapter Executive Rountable
01.31.2007 | MCB Philadelphia Chapter Executive Rountable
01.30.2007 | MCB Connecticut Chapter Executive Rountable
01.30.2007 | MCB Connecticut Chapter Executive Rountable
12.14.2006 | MCB New Jersey Chapter Executive Roundtable
12.14.2006 | MCB New Jersey Chapter Executive Roundtable
11.30.2006 | Chinese Amb. Zhou Wenzhong Speaks at WACCT Executive Forum
11.30.2006 | Chinese Amb. Zhou Wenzhong Speaks at WACCT Executive Forum
11.29.2006 | Alibaba Open Sesame city event in conjunction with MCB Philadelphia
11.29.2006 | Alibaba "Open Sesame" city event in conjunction with MCB Philadelphia
11.27.2006 | MCB Executive Roundtable, Boston
11.27.2006 | MCB Executive Roundtable, Boston
10th Matchmaking Trade Mission to China, Fall 2006 (10MTM06f)
10th Matchmaking Trade Mission to China, Fall 2006 (10MTM06f)
09.05.2006 | Confucius Statue Unveiling And Trade Talk
09.05.2006 | Confucius Statue Unveiling And Trade Talk
07.08.2006 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, Hartford
07.08.2006 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, Hartford
06.01.2006 | SDTV Mark Twain Statue Unveiling, Jinan, China
06.01.2006 | SDTV Mark Twain Statue Unveiling, Jinan, China
9th Matchmaking Trade Mission to China, Spring 2006 (MTM06s)
9th Matchmaking Trade Mission to China, Spring 2006 (MTM06s)
03.15.2006 | MCB Executive Roundtable,  Boston
03.15.2006 | MCB Executive Roundtable, Boston
02.16.2006 | MCB Executive Roundtable,  HAR
02.16.2006 | MCB Executive Roundtable, HAR
02.15.2006 | MCB Executive Roundtable,  CNE
02.15.2006 | MCB Executive Roundtable, CNE
01.18.2006 | MCB Executive Roundtable,  Boston
01.18.2006 | MCB Executive Roundtable, Boston
11.16.2005 | MCB Executive Roundtable,  CNE
11.16.2005 | MCB Executive Roundtable, CNE
11.14.2005 | Guest Lecturing an MBA Class at Bryant University, Smithfield, RI
11.14.2005 | Guest Lecturing an MBA Class at Bryant University, Smithfield, RI
8th Matchmaking Trade Mission to China, Fall 2005 (MTM05f)
8th Matchmaking Trade Mission to China, Fall 2005 (MTM05f)
11.09.2005 | Speaking at Connecticut China Forum, East Hartford, CT
11.09.2005 | Speaking at Connecticut China Forum, East Hartford, CT
10.19.2005 | MCB Executive Roundtable,  Boston
10.19.2005 | MCB Executive Roundtable, Boston
09.21.2005 | MCB Executive Roundtable,  CNE
09.21.2005 | MCB Executive Roundtable, CNE
08.19.2005 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference (Summer), Philadelphia
08.19.2005 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference (Summer), Philadelphia
08.17.2005 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference (Summer), Gr. Boston
08.17.2005 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference (Summer), Gr. Boston
07.20.2005 | MCB Executive Roundtable,  CNE
07.20.2005 | MCB Executive Roundtable, CNE
7th Matchmaking Trade Mission To China, Summer 2005 (MTM05sm)
7th Matchmaking Trade Mission To China, Summer 2005 (MTM05sm)
06.15.2005 | MCB Executive Roundtable,  Boston
06.15.2005 | MCB Executive Roundtable, Boston
05.24.2005 | MeetChinaBiz Roundtable, NY Chapter
05.24.2005 | MeetChinaBiz Roundtable, NY Chapter
04.20.2005 | MCB Executive Roundtable,  Boston
04.20.2005 | MCB Executive Roundtable, Boston
03.17.2005 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference (Spring), Gr. Boston
03.17.2005 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference (Spring), Gr. Boston
03.05.2005 | China Sourcing Forum
03.05.2005 | China Sourcing Forum
6th Matchmaking Trade Mission to China, Spring 2005 (MTM05s)
6th Matchmaking Trade Mission to China, Spring 2005 (MTM05s)
02.09.2005 | MCB Executive Roundtable, Boston
02.09.2005 | MCB Executive Roundtable, Boston
11.10.2004 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, UMass Boston
11.10.2004 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, UMass Boston
5th Matchmaking Trade Mission to China, Summer 2004 (MTM04s)
5th Matchmaking Trade Mission to China, Summer 2004 (MTM04s)
03.04.2004 | Co-sponoring International Networking Event, Boston, MA
03.04.2004 | Co-sponoring International Networking Event, Boston, MA
12.11.2003 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, Boston
12.11.2003 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, Boston
4th Matchmaking Trade Mission to China, Fall 2003 (MTM03f)
4th Matchmaking Trade Mission to China, Fall 2003 (MTM03f)
3rd Matchmaking Trade Mission to China, Spring 2003 (MTM03s)
3rd Matchmaking Trade Mission to China, Spring 2003 (MTM03s)
04.25.2003 | MCB Executive Roundtable, Boston
04.25.2003 | MCB Executive Roundtable, Boston
03.21.2003 | MCB Executive Roundtable, Boston
03.21.2003 | MCB Executive Roundtable, Boston
02.07.2003 | MCB Executive Roundtable,  Boston
02.07.2003 | MCB Executive Roundtable, Boston
12.18.2002 | MCB Executive Roundtable,  Boston
12.18.2002 | MCB Executive Roundtable, Boston
12.13.2002 | Speaking at RI World Affairs Council / Hope Club, Providence, RI
12.13.2002 | Speaking at RI World Affairs Council / Hope Club, Providence, RI
10.29.2002 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, Gr. Boston
10.29.2002 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, Gr. Boston
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