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cafe18-May-2015 09:42
You have beautiful pictures! Thank you!
cheveux boucles16-May-2015 08:48
I can tell that you put a lot of effort into your pictures.
Mark11-Aug-2014 12:33
I borrowed the Nikon AW1 for a 2 week trip...nice little camera, would recommend it.

You do however need to follow Nikon's recommendations for use, that is to clean the camera after use and to use the silicone on the joints to make sure they stay well lubricated.
Mike N11-Aug-2014 06:38
I've been looking at your AW 1 photos, and I am quite impressed ! I'm thinking of getting one just for snorkelling, what's your opinion of this camera ?
artist27-Aug-2013 09:38
please see my page ... i hope you ' ll like .. and we can be good friends.
Guest 10-Sep-2012 22:24
Stunning Galleries. Best J
Gilles Navet08-Sep-2012 07:19
Ma découverte du moment. Tu maîtrise cadrage, composition, lumière et technque mais avec le regard et l'intelligence sur le sujet. Que du bonheur !!!
je t'ai ajouté dans mas Fav - A bientôt gilles
Eric 21-May-2010 16:32

Je découvre votre galerie et je tiens à vous féliciter pour la qualité de vos photos.
Elles sont toutes vraiment très belles. Vous êtes très fort.
Serait-il possible d'avoir quelques astuces techniques pour utiliser le D700. Avec quel logiciel travaillez vous ?

Merci d'avance
claudine 18-Sep-2009 08:31
Bonjour Mark j'ai eu connaissance de votre page par Laurent G plusieurs fois que je visite ses galeries diverses variées et riches en couleurs, grand plaisir de s'y ballader amicalement claudine
anne mrozielski 03-Sep-2009 20:55
bon je vous contacterais par telephone plus tard..
a bientot
keith 13-Aug-2009 18:08
Hi Mark, like your work. I wonder if you could help me. I am thinking about buying a Nikon d700. Would it be possible to send me a full res image jpeg to see exactly what the d700 can do?. I currently use a Fuji S5 Pro, a good camera but it starts to get noisy above 400 asa and the sharpness/resolution is not great. I do not believe in using a camera for certain subjects with the belief that it cannot tackle others, so I would be using the camera for every subject going. Could you please email any image that you feel would best show what the D700 can do?
Thank you
Shane 05-Jul-2009 21:26
Bonsoir ,

Tout d'abord ,bravo pour votre travail ! très jolies photos
J'ai vu que vous recherchiez de nouveaux modè serai heureuse de pouvoir travailler avec vous si cela vous intéresse
Voici mon début de book :
En espérant avoir de vos nouvelles !
Petia 27-May-2009 06:08
Très jolies photos!
Vinnie 07-Feb-2009 07:12
You're a gift to camera Mark ! Amazing !!! Your eyes and mind are where they belong ! SUPERB !!!
Sophie 26-Jan-2009 14:00
C'est magique, très beau!!! Très très beau !! Je vais retourner voir ça!! C'est somptueux! J'ai quasi TOUT aimé suis pourtant asez difficile! Moi, je suis comédienne et vais avoir besoin de vous contacte tout bientôt! Et ENCORE bravo! C'est royal! Quel talent! Continuez!!!!! Et - à quand vos cartes postales!? Bizoo! Sophie.B! Et très bonnne continuatiiion!
mellyana 13-Jan-2009 07:42
Très jolies photos!
Guest 25-Oct-2008 06:07
Elegant stuff. Good eye.
Felipe Rodríguez15-Jul-2008 17:47
Bonsoir Mark

I came here from dpreview (sorry, my French is so poor!), and I must say that you have many many stunning images. Do you shoot for your own pleasure or have any professional outlet for your images? I am asking that because I see many of them as killer stock photos (even if I shouldn't encourage my competition... :)

Best wishes!
Eric 04-Jun-2008 17:01
Bonjour Mark,

Bravo pour la qualité des photos et le choix des sujets. Les Masaîs notamment sont superbes. De retour de Tanzanie début Mai, j'aurais adoré faire ces photos. Heureusement, tu l'as fait.

Fabrice GUYOT 04-Jun-2008 08:42
Hi Mark,

I work for sanofi aventis group. Yesterday we had the opportunity to have a look at your pictures dedicated to your trip in Tanzania. The pictures are very beautiful. Thanks

Fred Relaix10-Jan-2008 08:03
Hi Mark,
Very good work! Beautiful galleries with many outstanding shots! I will be back for more.
steph 26-Dec-2007 22:23
j ai pas tout vu ,je prendrais le temps demain mais c est une belle surprise toutes ces photos ,bises mark ,a bientot j espere
shafty 07-Nov-2007 04:55
more nudity...... email me ASAP plz!
julivalley28-Jul-2007 18:02
Your galleries are superb, Mark. Great eye candy.
Mark14-Jun-2007 18:23
Thanks everyone!

Guest 14-Jun-2007 07:34
You got some mad skills.
Guest 09-May-2007 20:24
Hi Mark,

Great shots very inspiring!

I was thinking of taking a last minute trip to Tanzania this year and had some questions for you. I noticed you took a 5d and a 100-400 zoom combo down with you...How did you like it? Did you ever wish you had more reach? I very much like the flexibility of a zoom and noticed you did some very creative things with it yourself. Do you recomend bring any other lenses down?

Also where did you travel in Tanzania if you don't mind me asking?


emmanuel LB22-Mar-2007 14:12
Quoi dire de plus à part que vos photos sont graphiques et artistiques!!!

Bravo j'aime beaucoup....
Guest 08-Mar-2007 13:15
Your photos have left an impression on me and that's a rare thing.
Guest 27-Nov-2006 22:07
Elles sont vraiment super Mark . J'ai decouvert un peu plus de Paris que je traverse pourtant tous les jours. Et cette grille de Venise..Cela fait voyager. Continue ! Christine
Mark25-Nov-2006 13:04
Cheers Geert and Raphael,

Geert SOENENS 24-Nov-2006 17:52
I like your pictures very much. Great eye you have. Strong compositions i have seen. I am talking about your pictures from Marocco. I will look at your portfolio one of these day. Congratz. Wonderfull stuff!
Guest 11-Nov-2006 08:22
De très belles images! Bravo!
Mark27-Oct-2006 21:37

Sorry but just picked this up - what would you like to know about Paris?

Mark13-Sep-2006 16:44
Thanks all.

Guest 13-Sep-2006 15:58
Great galleries! I'm really enjoyed! The B&W just amazing!
SV10-Sep-2006 22:59
Excellent galleries, Mark. I am planning a trip to Paris. If you have any tips, please let me know.
Mark27-Aug-2006 07:48
Yes, it is! How are you Kevin? Where abouts are you living?

Guest 26-Aug-2006 21:28
Hey, is this my old friend Mark Holdefehr from NY? Kevin H.
ann holdefehr 04-Jun-2006 00:50
Great photos...kind of funny how we have the same last name. Any relation to a Georgette and Herman Holdefehr(my grandparents)?
Mark20-Apr-2006 11:31
Thanks Mario!
Mario Wrege 19-Apr-2006 18:21

Marvellous photos. Specially those of Bianca!
Mario Wrege
Mark31-Dec-2005 16:53
Thanks for the feedback, most appreciated!

Kimberley Hannaman Taylor31-Dec-2005 15:23
Bienvenue (sp?) to PBase Mark. I concur with Guenter...PLEASE post more. I love Paris and your work (what I've seen of it so far) is fantastic. I've added you to my favorites and will watch for more postings.
A Bientot!
Guenter Eh19-Oct-2005 07:01
Welcome in the pbase community! I have the honor, to do the first entry in your guestbook. Thanks for your lovely comment! Saw your gallery with views of paris. Super clear and sharp images in high res! Please post more, i`m very curios!