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Robert F. | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Model Train Photography tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Model Train Photography

A majority of the HO scale models I've worked on since 2003 including MRL, BNSF, & many other prototypes. Most of the images here have been captured at the California Southern Model Railroad Club in Norwalk, CA. There are numerous additional galleries showing off various other modeling events I have attended over the years.
MRL Roster
:: MRL Roster ::
MRL Models
:: MRL Models ::
MRL Action
:: MRL Action ::
BNSF Models
:: BNSF Models ::
BNSF Action
:: BNSF Action ::
BC Rail Models
:: BC Rail Models ::
BC Rail Action
:: BC Rail Action ::
Canadian National Models
:: Canadian National Models ::
Weathered HO Freight Car Models
:: Weathered HO Freight Car Models ::
Miscellaneous Model Photos
:: Miscellaneous Model Photos ::
Custom BNSF Heritage Hoppers
:: Custom BNSF Heritage Hoppers ::
MRL Grain Train Helpers
:: MRL Grain Train Helpers ::
MRL Grain Train
:: MRL Grain Train ::
Amtrak's Southwest Chief
:: Amtrak's Southwest Chief ::
2006-2011 Western Prototype Modeling Meets
:: 2006-2011 Western Prototype Modeling Meets ::
August 2009 Free-Mo Set-up at the San Bernardino Station
:: August 2009 Free-Mo Set-up at the San Bernardino Station ::
August 2010 Free-Mo Set-up at the San Bernardino Station
:: August 2010 Free-Mo Set-up at the San Bernardino Station ::
March 2011 Free-Mo Set-up at the San Bernardino Station
:: March 2011 Free-Mo Set-up at the San Bernardino Station ::
La Mesa Club Runs
:: La Mesa Club Runs ::