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Textiles & Other Handicrafts


Embroideries from Afghanistan etc.

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Koochi dress front
Koochi dress front
Embroidered dress front (centre piece)
Embroidered dress front (centre piece)
Koochie embroidered wallet
Koochie embroidered wallet
Afghan Patchwork
Afghan Patchwork
Silver thread and mirror embroidery
Silver thread and mirror embroidery
Koochie Embroidery
Koochie Embroidery
Embroidered dress front (centre piece)
Embroidered dress front (centre piece)
Embroidered cap and tassels
Embroidered cap and tassels
Embroidered Purses
Embroidered Purses
Embroidered purse & beadwork
Embroidered purse & beadwork
Embroideried purse
Embroideried purse
Gujrati embroidery
Gujrati embroidery
Hazara embroidery
Hazara embroidery
Hazara embroidery-detail
Hazara embroidery-detail
Turkoman bracelets
Turkoman bracelets
Turkoman cross-stitch
Turkoman cross-stitch
Turkoman embroidery
Turkoman embroidery
Hand painted paper-mache tray-Kashmir
Hand painted paper-mache tray-Kashmir
Hand painted paper-mache tray-detail-Kashmir
Hand painted paper-mache tray-detail-Kashmir
Afghanistan - chain stitch (detail)
Afghanistan - chain stitch (detail)
Afghanistan - chain stitch
Afghanistan - chain stitch
Turkoman embroidered piece
Turkoman embroidered piece
Afghanistan embroidery
Afghanistan embroidery
Copper Vase-Kashmir
Copper Vase-Kashmir
Chinese cloisonne cigarette box
Chinese cloisonne cigarette box
Small brass and silver wash lota (pot)-Afghanistan
Small brass and silver wash lota (pot)-Afghanistan
Small table cozy-Afghanistan
Small table cozy-Afghanistan
Surma dani
Surma dani
Bead work-Afghanistan
Bead work-Afghanistan
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