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Pics, Poems, Prose and Humor

A collection of some of my favorite pictures, poems, prose and humor that I have collected.

[Note - These photos and text were found on other sites. The sources are given when known.]

Christmas at Sea Poem by R.L. Stevenson
Christmas at Sea Poem by R.L. Stevenson
Nautical Quotes
Nautical Quotes
Pirate at Fifteen Story by Charles Brennan
Pirate at Fifteen Story by Charles Brennan
Bolivian Hinkley (Humor)
Bolivian Hinkley (Humor)
Misadventure and Trial By Sea Story by Kurt Russell
Misadventure and Trial By Sea Story by Kurt Russell
The Worried Skipper By Wallace Irwin
The Worried Skipper By Wallace Irwin
Paintings of the Sea by Winslow Homer
< Paintings of the Sea by Winslow Homer >
Sea Fever Poem by John Masefield
Sea Fever Poem by John Masefield
Favorite Photographs
< Favorite Photographs >
A Nautical Extravagance     by Wallace Irwin (painting by Winslow Homer)
A Nautical Extravagance by Wallace Irwin (painting by Winslow Homer)
Sad Lady (humor)
Sad Lady (humor)
A Ballad of John Silver (painting is Thermopylae)
A Ballad of John Silver (painting is Thermopylae)
A Sailor's Dream by Garry Prater
A Sailor's Dream by Garry Prater