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Chettinad Palace


Chettinad is rich in cultural heritage, art and architecture, and is well known for its houses, embellished with marble and Burma teak, wide courtyards, spacious rooms, and for its 18th century mansions.
Local legend tells that their walls used to be polished with a paste made out of eggwhites to give a smooth texture.

The construction material, decorative items and furnishings were mostly imported from East Asian countries and Europe. The marble was brought from Italy, chandeliers and teak from Burma, crockery from Indonesia, crystals from Europe and wall-to-wall mirrors from Belgium. The woodwork and stonework was inspired that of the houses in France and other European destinations.

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Chettinad house in Karaikudi Income of this old Chettinad house Chettinad Palace in Kanadukathan
Entrance of the Chettinad Palace Outside view of Chettinad Palace Entrance penthouse of Chettinad Palace
The old Chettinad house Inner entrance court of Chettinad Palace Private entrance of Chettinad Palace
Dining hall - Chettinad Palace Pillar ornament - Chettinad Palace Patio - Chettinad Palace
Gallery around the patio - Chettinad Palace Second Inner Court - Chettinad Palace Key to Chettinad Palace
Entrance - Chettinad Palace Entrance - Chettinad Palace Inner court - Chettinad Palace
Stairway to balcony - Chettinad Palace Inner entrance court - Chettinad Palace Outsite view from entrance - Chettinad Palace
Frontsite Palace - Chettinad Palace Wooden Ceiling - Chettinad Palace Gallery around the patio - Chettinad Palace
Entrance - Chettinad Palace Staircase - Chettinad Palace Tools for the kitchen - Chettinad Palace
Third courtyard - Chettinad Palace Third courtyard - Chettinad Palace