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Did you ever had that feeling that you went to a total strange place and you felt yourself straight away at home ?
That place is called Tamil Nadu that I visited first in 1987 and from since I go back there every year.
Learning the Tamil language a bit helped me to discover the essence of this beautiful culture. Returning to Tamil Nadu, even after visiting friends in the North, feels always like coming home.

In 1994 I met Ochappan, a poor Tamil tricyle-man. He inspired me to use the derived name oochappan to spot his world out looking over his shoulders.
Enjoy Tamil Nadu, the colors for joy,
what comes from there, goes back there,
your reflections are most welcome.


Villages around Madurai


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contact : private message or mail oochappan[at]

India Tamil Nadu 2013
India Tamil Nadu 2013
INDIA Tamil Nadu 2012
INDIA Tamil Nadu 2012
North India 2011
North India 2011
INDIA Tamil Nadu 2011
INDIA Tamil Nadu 2011
North INDIA 2010
North INDIA 2010
INDIA Tamil Nadu 2010
INDIA Tamil Nadu 2010
INDIA Tamil Nadu 2009
INDIA Tamil Nadu 2009
INDIA   2008
INDIA 2008
INDIA Tamil Nadu 2007
INDIA Tamil Nadu 2007
INDIA Tamil Nadu 2006
INDIA Tamil Nadu 2006
INDIA Tamil Nadu 2005
INDIA Tamil Nadu 2005
INDIA Tamil Nadu 2004
INDIA Tamil Nadu 2004
INDIA Tamil Nadu
INDIA Tamil Nadu
Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever
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My Favorites