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Jack Rogers | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Laura Phillips 30-Aug-2023 12:12
Jack's photography is outstanding. He's obviously passionate about it and it shows in every photo. Keep on posting, Jack!
Muskrat's Photos26-Apr-2015 00:36
Outstanding photos...I am so impressed by the quality of the images and the fantastic plain, blurred backgrounds in many of the photos!
Barb-Kent 16-Feb-2015 21:25
Jack......What a great work of art and talent that you have in capturing the beauty of God's creation through birds, mammals and scenery......Barb and Kent
Mac Plant 18-Dec-2014 16:03
Your photographs are truly remarkable. i have derived enormous pleasure from them.
Guest 07-Jun-2013 18:25
Hi, I'm John Arden I spoke with you after the meeting Tues. Please let me know when you go shooting birds . Thanks
Victor 23-Apr-2013 16:17
Awesome shots.
Simon 21-Jul-2012 13:38
Hey Jack, I am heading to Florida in late August (I know, wrong time of year) and was wondering if you had any workshops going that month. If not, could you recommend any hotspots for that time to someone who is limited to a 300 f2.8 lens?

Thanks in advance,

Johnny Chan 19-Jun-2012 12:59
Very nice shoots.
Terry J. Graham25-Mar-2012 14:39
Great shots and very nice work.
robertoparmiggiani02-Aug-2011 15:01
Really a fantastic work, great pics
Cheryl Oliver 07-Mar-2011 21:51
How I wish the Painted Buntings would find their way to South-central Georgia -- can you shoo some our way? FABULOUS PHOTOGRAPHY!!! Thank you for sharing your talent with the world!
Guest 21-Dec-2010 00:51
Your photography is nothing short of totally inspiring! I can't wait to look at more. These photos take my breath away.
FocusingOnWildlife.com27-May-2010 21:34
Positively impressed by your website. Let's exchange links:
Ken Billington's Bird & Wildlife Photography
Photobank of bird & wildlife stock photos, available to send as free e-cards or to purchase as high resolution images.
Guest 09-Apr-2010 02:54
Jack, several of us recently did a workshop with you. Wow, you brought me up to the next level. I can't thank you enough and you are a fantastic and patient teacher. Scott
Juanita Baker 11-Mar-2010 23:05
Jack, you have some excellent photos on your website. Yes, the Pine Warbler is lovely. Thank you so much for sharing them, letting us know about them through FLORIDABIRDS-L Listserv. you have worked hard to get these shots and it shows.

Really beautiful, artistic, especially when you have that early light. And what lovely focus and detail you have, with interesting bird actions. Although I haven't looked at all of your years of work, these are some of my favorites:

Ring-necked Duck II
Female Mallard preening
Avian grace
08-MAR-2010 Downy Woodpecker
Female Red-winged Blackbird
Sunrise Egret
Golden morning
Great Egret portrait
Wood Stork
Cormorant breeding
Yellow-crowned Night Heron
White Ibis Portrait

Guess I'm really enthralled the most with your close up portraits and your action shots.
rockledge10-Mar-2010 17:58
"Beautiful Birds of Florida... and more" says it all, both for you work and for our beautiful and diverse state. You are an extraordinary photographer; a true artist. Thank you for sharing your passion with us.
Robert Houde09-Feb-2010 21:50
Realy great work Jack, I love in particular your birds of prey. Best regards, Robert.
Michele 05-Feb-2010 17:14
Wow! Can't wait to see you March 1st at Audubon in Clearwater.
Great work! Love all your subjects.I would love for you to see some of my wild life photos. Email me if you get a chance.Just spotted a Bald Eagle in Dunedin this morning in her nest.
carsons 03-Sep-2009 00:06
enjoyed your photos. we are carver and artist, its so hard to find photos for measuring a bird for carving. we havent found any head on shots to measure the distants between the eyes.some of your shots has helped, and your profile shots of the heads has helped with measuring the bill. good meaterial thank you , the carsons.
yoram shpirer01-Nov-2008 18:06
I'm glad I came across your galleries; you have some superb Birds shots.
Regards Yoram
Bud Crompton 20-Jul-2008 13:27
This is the first time that I have visited your web site. I am familiar with your work through You have a beautiful collection of work here. I plan to visit your site often. It gives me the inspiration to get out and take photos.
Also, thanks for your suggestions regarding Ft Desoto. The weather did not cooperate at the time that I visited the area. I plan to return to Ft Desoto in the winter.
issyr30-May-2008 05:29
hi jack!
your gallery is fabulous!
thanks for all your help!
Keep up the great work, always look forward to more photos from you, especially since we're not in FL anymore, keeps us posted on "our" local birds!
Walter Johnson 17-Apr-2008 14:12
Fantastic images, Jack. As an avid amateur photographer myself, I can appreciate the work and skill that you put into those images.
Donna Morrison 20-Feb-2008 20:07
I became familiar with your work through Florida Wildlife magazine. I am an artist and really enjoy painting Florida wildlife. My website is Sometimes I work with photographers (paint from their refrence photos) where they receive a perentage of the sale price of the original painting. Would you ever be interested in working with me in such a capacity? Thanks for your consideration.
Guest 19-Jan-2008 17:35
A brilliant site Jack - well done! Am looking forward to visiting again and seeing more excellent shots.
paulie 10-Nov-2007 22:45
Thanks, Jack for sharing your photos. Your nesting Monk Parakeet is the best I've seen.
Guest 18-Sep-2007 21:29
WOW! Excellent work, Jack!...What a great collection of bird shots.
Guest 29-Apr-2007 00:16
I really enjoyed looking through all your galleries. You are an amazing wildlife photographer.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 22:31
Nice Gallery
yoram shpirer08-Mar-2007 21:53
Hi Jeck
Beautiful collection of bird shots; It really takes a lot of patience to get this. You also managed to find some nice environments.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 18:26
Absolutely wonderful galleries.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 10:53
Stunning work.
Raymond J Barlow23-Jan-2007 02:51
great galleries Jack!! thanks for all your help this past weekend., we had a blast.
Guy Schmickle22-Jan-2007 21:50
Some beautiful photography, Jack. The attention to detail in your shooting is exceptional and you've got some great behavioral shots. You really make me ache for a return visit to FLA. There's no better place to be for bird photograpy!
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal19-Jan-2007 15:50
Hey Jack,

These are some great galleries you've got here. i know now where i want to go on my next trip..hehe. truely fantastic images well done. I'll be back for more
Giorgio Gregori19-Dec-2006 22:11
Ciao Jack,
I have been looking at your galleries open-mouthed!
I have enjoyed a lot of outstandig birds'images and, believe me, yours are not the first I see.
Best Regards.
Giorgio Gregori.
click16-Dec-2006 18:15
Well organized and informative images of beautiful birds.
michele terrico 30-Nov-2006 14:32
Jack your pictures are all amazing! your so talented! i really love your website! nsee ya in class! michele
Ken Owen13-Oct-2006 20:27
Great Stuff!
Raul Quinones12-Aug-2006 14:10
Excellent galleries.
Guest 05-Aug-2006 00:16
Outstanding gallery
isabel 15-Jun-2006 14:26
Jack, you truly have a fabulous collection of great great great bird photos. You really should look into selling these photos....pick up a copy of "THE PHOTOGRAPHERS MARKET", and send some letters to bird/wildlife magazine/book editors. I am SURE they could use some of these great photos!! Thanks for your support and advise! Someday I'll have such a great collection too. Your passion and skill shows through in every great photo you take! Thanks for sharing!
Ann MCDoanld 12-Jun-2006 17:25
Hi Jack,
I sure am glad Harry sent me your link! If I ever can decide, I may be ordering a print. Ann
Dan Kirchner15-May-2006 00:28
A beautiful collection of bird images - some absolutely stunning photos! Thanks for sharing.
Guest 06-May-2006 01:47
Awesome photos!! I wish I could sit still long enough to take such tasteful photos as yours. You use that sunlight well. Look forward to stopping in again.
Lisa B.07-Apr-2006 00:11
Absolutely one of the best collections of bird photographs I've seen. Wonderful job, Jack!
Kevin Dailey 04-Apr-2006 00:02
Excellent Photos Jack! Enjoy the very much. The Cormorant with Catfish is something else - maybe my favorite due to the uniqueness; otherwise too many beautiful shots to choose from.

Regards, Kevin Dailey
Charlie Corbeil28-Mar-2006 02:17
Your gallery is looking great. Some super images.
Wolfgang Wander28-Mar-2006 00:53
Stunning images. A nice set of spectactular shots!
Steve Hellweg 09-Mar-2006 14:30
Jack, How would I go about getting a good copy of that bald eagle? That has to be one of the best I have seen.....Yell when you can. Thanks
Guest 08-Feb-2006 14:48
Nice pics Jack, your galleries are building up nicely! Look forward to more.
See you out there!
Guest 04-Feb-2006 16:10
Brilliant galleries. I look forward to seeing more of your work.
Pauline 01-Feb-2006 23:02
Nice collection of bird photos. I guess I'm going to need to invest in a digital camera soon!
Ron Wooldridge 14-Jan-2006 14:27
Good stuff Jack. Some of those birds look familiar.