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Paul Sumi | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Guest 08-Sep-2011 02:17
Nice work, sir. I enjoyed looking at your beautiful photographs.
Jeff Shimoyama
C&C Rush 15-Aug-2011 04:53
Wonderful photos Paul! Words cannot fully express all they are. We are 2 of Mike Diggles' friends living in Tehachapi, CA. We live in a very "photo opportunistic" area if I might say! Contact us if you wish to visit! Chris and Carol
Guest 22-May-2009 12:00
Just had a chance to look at your Monument Valley photos Paul. WOW--they are fantastic!!! Nice work!!!
Brad Smith 18-Feb-2005 21:00
Really liked your photos of the Japanese Garden at the City of Los Angeles' Tillman Plant Water Reclamation. But I'm partial. I was the city's design leader for the plant that also built the Garden. The garden was designed for a $1 fee by a very famous Japanese Garden expert, Dr. Koichi Kowana. It is one of the least known beautiful locations in Los Angeles. For more info about it, go to
Piotr Siejka20-Oct-2004 22:40
Hi, Paul. You've got superb shots in your galleries. Sheer pleasure to watch. looking forward to more... Cheers, Pete.
Streetworks Photography11-Oct-2004 07:14
I like your L.A. shots, you must have more -- post them soon.