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Peter Bowden | all galleries >> Galleries >> Colorado and New Mexico 05 > DSC05145.jpg
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Of the couple of dozen shreds we found along the roadway, this was the best. It was about 2" on a side and still had lots of the design. We could tell from the shape (convex or concave) whether a sherd was from a bowl decorated on the inside or a jar decorated on the outside. The dark areas were painted on by the artisan using a yucca fiber brush before the pot was fired. For me finding and handling these sherds gave me a stong feeling of kinship to these ancient people and their daily lives. Naturally they don't want you to remove these sherds from the park so, as much as I wanted to keep one or two, we tossed them back for others to enjoy and hopefully leave behind as well.

Sony Cybershot
1/500s f/4.5 at 10.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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