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Steve, Katherine, and Norah | profile | all galleries >> Northeast Photographs >> Brace Mountain May '11 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Brace Mountain May '11

Our first hike in the Taconics this season. The trees have not leafed out yet, but there were still signs of spring around. Lovely day!
Signs of spring - trillium!
Signs of spring - trillium!
Fiddleheads - a Norah favorite
Fiddleheads - a Norah favorite
The over-under move
The over-under move
Summit cairn on Brace Mountain
Summit cairn on Brace Mountain
One of several paragliders on Brace Mountain
One of several paragliders on Brace Mountain
Take off!
Take off!
Paraglider high in the sky
Paraglider high in the sky
Steve and Norah watch a paraglider prepare
Steve and Norah watch a paraglider prepare
Norah giving him plenty of space
Norah giving him plenty of space
And he's off!
And he's off!