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Roger Nordstrom | all galleries >> Service to My Country >> Vietnam 1970-1971: A Grunt Remembers >> Induction > Induction Orders
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Induction Orders

My memories of the day are few but there are a few.

We met at the Santa Ana Bowl, the stadium where I had been to many high school football games, and loaded on to a bus for the trip to the Induction Center in Los Angeles. There were about 6 or 8 of us on the bus.

We had all been to the Induction Center before for our pre-induction physical. On the day of induction there would be another physical but it was just a formality. Close to the end of the processing I was directed to a desk behind which a man was sitting.

This guy was in a very pivotal position for which it was he that determined in which branch of the military you were being inducted. I recall him saying something to the effect of: I'll get you into the Army before the Marines call for another one. Well if I really have to go into the military I'd rather it be in the Army than the Marine Corp. I'm really not the macho type that fits my Marine Corp stereo-type.

That was it, out of the building and into another bus for the trip up the California coast to Fort Ord. The bus trip was uneventful and rather quiet. After all we were not terribly happy campers at the time.

I don't remember much about that first night at Fort Ord. We arrived late at night, or early the next morning (it was still dark outside) after a long day. We were all tired and I'm sure that was all part of the plan.

It was at Fort Ord that I resell being sworn into the Army.

Boot Camp was next.

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