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Ray Mathis | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Ray Mathis
Name Ray Mathis (joined 26-Apr-2008) (pbase supporter)
Username raymathis
Location McHenry, IL
McHenry, IL
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View Galleries : Ray Mathis has 52 galleries and 2245 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 1011883 times.

View Guestbook : 32 messages. Most recent on 18-May-2015.

Message from Ray Mathis
When I see others beautiful images of natural landscapes, it inspires me to want to see similar landscapes and capture them on film for myself. I also have learned a great deal about creating good compositions from studying the work of others and thank them for that. My quest to capture what I call "nature's masterpieces" has added so much to my life that I would have otherwise have missed had I not been on such a quest and not been motivated to be by the work of others. I sincerely hope that my images inspire others to seek out the wonders and beauty of the natural world in a similar way, and at the same time respect, and try to preserve what remains of it. Take a friend if you can - it's always nice to share such experiences. Have a camera with you at all times if possible. But above all, GO! When others choose to sleep in, rise before dawn and see what they will miss. When others have gone home for the day, hang around and see what happens. Nature can surprise you. You might be tired mid-morning, or eat late a lot, and be sleep deprived sometimes, but you'll give yourself the opportunity to see, and photograph the kind of images I've managed to. There are times when I balk at getting up so early, but then I just sing the words from "The All Star Song", "You'll never know if you don't go....get you game on go play". One of my favorite poems is an old Inuit poem from Disney's "Never Cry Wolf". It goes: "I think over all my adventures, my fears, the little ones that seemed so big. For all the vital things I had to get and reach, there is only one great thing, the only thing. To live to see the great day that dawns and the light that fills the world" Go great the light that fills the world.
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