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Richard Calmes | profile | all galleries >> DANCE GALLERIES >> NATURE DANCE GALLERIES >> Sea Dancers tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Sea Dancers

This gallery represents a total of 90 minutes of sunrise photography over two mornings!

I was at Folly Beach just outside of historic Charleston, South Carolina to photograph 3 beautiful dancers from the Charleston Ballet. The dancers arrived at 6AM each day and we walked to the beach.
They stretched and we rehearsed (in the dark) the shots we were going to do while we waited for the sun. We started shooting in the magic light of predawn and then kept shooting as the sun rose.
When the sun was too bright for silhouettes, I shot front and sidelit. We had 45 minutes each morning and then it was over...the sun was too bright.

Click on SLIDESHOW and they will dance for you!

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