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Tsafrir Ronen Z"L

Moledet, Galilee, December 28, 2008

The funeral
The funeral
The funeral
The funeral
The grave
The grave
Michael Kleiner
Michael Kleiner
Tuvia Lerner
Tuvia Lerner
Sasha Nepomniashchy
Sasha Nepomniashchy
Hillel Weiss
Hillel Weiss
Ariel Zilber
Ariel Zilber
Ariel Zilber
Ariel Zilber
Ariel Zilber
Ariel Zilber
Ariel Zilber
Ariel Zilber
A woman
A woman
Arie Ben Yam
Arie Ben Yam
Daniella Weiss
Daniella Weiss
Anna Danilova
Anna Danilova