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Robert Nielsen | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails

Thanks for visiting my photo gallery
Photography has been my great passion for many years, since I got my first camera as a young boy.
But it was only after 2005, with my first digital camera, that the ability to display images on the web improved.
This gallery is the result of my love and respect for people, animals, birds, insects and nature.
Feel free to leave a comment or just look, hope you enjoy my pictures

Click on a sub-gallery and view the image in original size for best results

Tak for du kikkede forbi mit fotogalleri
Foto har været min stor passion i mange år, siden jeg som ung dreng fik mit første kamera.
Men det var først efter 2005, med mit første digitale kamera, at muligheden for at vise billeder på nettet blev bedre.
Dette galleri er resultatet af min kærlighed til og respekt for mennesker, dyr, fugle, insekter og naturen.
Du er velkommen til at komme med en kommentar eller bare se, håber du vil nyde mine billeder.

Klik på et under-galleri og se billedet i original størrelse for bedste resultat

:: Music ::
:: Street ::
Venice - Italy
:: Venice - Italy ::
Milan - Italy
:: Milan - Italy ::
 London - England
::  London - England ::
Four season
:: Four season ::
Around Denmark -  Short stories/anecdotes, architecture and landscapes
:: Around Denmark - Short stories/anecdotes, architecture and landscapes ::
Djursland, Kalø, Mols og Helgenæs - Jylland
:: Djursland, Kalø, Mols og Helgenæs - Jylland ::
Jernhatten - A hill near the coast
:: Jernhatten - A hill near the coast ::
:: Seascapes ::
Maritime - Harbour and lighthouse
:: Maritime - Harbour and lighthouse ::
Shadows and reflection
:: Shadows and reflection ::
B&W - monochrome, duotone and B&W-color
:: B&W - monochrome, duotone and B&W-color ::
Macro - Butterflies, Moths, Dragonflies and Damselflies
:: Macro - Butterflies, Moths, Dragonflies and Damselflies ::
Macro - Other macros
:: Macro - Other macros ::
Birds - In Nature
:: Birds - In Nature ::
Animals, amphibian and reptiles - In Nature
:: Animals, amphibian and reptiles - In Nature ::
Animals - At the Zoo & Deer parks
:: Animals - At the Zoo & Deer parks ::
:: Miscellaneous ::
Evening- and nightpicture
:: Evening- and nightpicture ::