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Globular clusters

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Obscured Globular Cluster Terzan 9 and Surrounds
Obscured Globular Cluster Terzan 9 and Surrounds
The nearest globular: Messier 4 in Scorpius
The nearest globular: Messier 4 in Scorpius
The Third Brightest Globular, NGC 6752 in Pavo
The Third Brightest Globular, NGC 6752 in Pavo
The Colours of Omega Centauri
The Colours of Omega Centauri
NGC 5286 and M Centauri
NGC 5286 and M Centauri
The ultra obscure planetary nebula GJJC1 in M22
The ultra obscure planetary nebula GJJC1 in M22
The core of Omega Centauri - animated Hubble comparison
The core of Omega Centauri - animated Hubble comparison
The core of Omega Centauri
The core of Omega Centauri
UKS-1 The faintest globular of the Milky Way
UKS-1 The faintest globular of the Milky Way
Terzan 5
Terzan 5
Terzan 9 with ToUCam
Terzan 9 with ToUCam
M80 in Scorpius
M80 in Scorpius
Centaurus A and Omega Centauri
Centaurus A and Omega Centauri
M22 in Sagittarius
M22 in Sagittarius
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