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The Sombrero Galaxy and a Swarm of Globular Clusters (annotated)

The Sombrero galaxy, or Messier 104, is a giant Sa type disk galaxy viewed from just above its equatorial plane and outlined by a prominent dark rim of obscuring dust. The central bulge is unusually bright and extended, and orbiting the galaxy is one of the largest known populations of globular clusters, containing up to 1900 members. In comparison our own Milky Way galaxy has only around 150-200 such clusters. Nearby prime examples of these are Omega Centauri, Messier 4 and NGC6752.
Highlighted in this image are 136 of the Sombrero's brightest globulars, ranging in V magnitudes from 17.5 to 22+. The names and magnitude details of these clusters are given below (from SIMBAD). Some of these globulars are very large and one is classified as a separate Ultra Compact Dwarf galaxy, SUCD1, the closest known example of such an object. It is not known how the Sombrero amassed such a large number of globular clusters. This is normally a more typical feature of large elliptical galaxies. For example up to 12,000 globular clusters are orbiting the giant elliptical galaxy Messier 87.

The Sombrero Galaxy also contains a supermassive black hole of one billion solar masses - one of the most massive black holes among nearby galaxies.
The galaxy lies some 30 million light years away in the direction of the constellation Virgo.

In the background numerous distant galaxies can be seen, many of then clumped together in groups. Also, what appears to be a faint tidal tail of the Sombrero is visible near the middle of the bottom edge of the image (between globulars #82 and #99). This is likely an ancient remnant trail of a captured dwarf galaxy.

Image details:
Date: 19th April, 22nd and 24th May 2012
Exposure: LRGB: 210:17:17:17m, total 4hrs 21mins
Telescope: 10" Serrurier Truss Newtonian
Camera: QSI 683wsg with Lodestar guider
Filters: Astrodon LRGB E-Series Gen 2
Taken from my observatory in Auckland, New Zealand

Click here to see the original image without globulars clusters marked.

List of all globular clusters visible in the image:

MagB MagV MagR
1 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 1154 12 40 37.04 -11 29 27.0 20.10 19.44 18.93
2 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 1164 12 40 36.77 -11 30 25.8 21.02 20.46 20.03
3 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 997 12 40 41.23 -11 34 33.0 19.95 19.18 18.64
4 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 1045 12 40 39.82 -11 36 55.1 20.43 19.67 19.19
5 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 1255 12 40 34.76 -11 38 10.2 20.54 19.81 19.30
6 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 1430 12 40 29.82 -11 33 40.0 20.88 20.19 19.72
7 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 1771 12 40 21.24 -11 36 31.9 21.57 20.82 20.31
8 GlCl? [BAZ97] 2-26 12 40 16.559 -11 33 18.62
9 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2086 12 40 14.64 -11 31 55.5 20.20 19.48 18.98
10 GlCl? [BAZ97] 1-21 12 40 11.618 -11 33 05.49
11 GlCl? [BAZ97] 2-19 12 40 10.315 -11 32 46.64
12 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2449 12 40 08.09 -11 33 11.1 20.45 19.69 19.16
13 GlCl? [BAZ97] 1-14 12 40 09.149 -11 33 28.74
14 GlCl [BAZ97] 2-11 12 40 08.433 -11 33 58.15 21.40 20.89 20.42
15 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2358 12 40 09.760 -11 35 21.45 21.32 20.51 19.96
16 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2148 12 40 13.48 -11 35 51.3 21.50 20.79 20.33
17 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2021 12 40 15.58 -11 36 21.0 20.86 20.19 19.73
18 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2289 12 40 10.911 -11 35 55.56 21.09 20.51 20.09
19 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2129 12 40 13.79 -11 37 02.4 20.66 19.91 19.41
20 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2307 12 40 10.597 -11 36 46.20 21.18 20.25 19.71
21 GlCl [DKV2003] X114 12 40 10.4 -11 36 39
22 GlCl [DKV2003] X113 12 40 09.7 -11 36 45
23 GlCl [DKV2003] X112 12 40 09.5 -11 36 47
24 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2363 12 40 09.73 -11 36 22.6 20.14 19.45 18.97
25 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2491 12 40 07.431 -11 35 52.27 21.24 20.49 19.99
26 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2512 12 40 07.08 -11 36 04.7 20.59 19.67 19.09
27 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2551 12 40 06.237 -11 36 47.96 21.44 20.40 19.83
28 GlCl [BAZ97] 1-11 12 40 04.890 -11 36 22.45 21.35 20.71 20.26
29 GlCl [LFB2001] C-068 12 40 03.21 -11 36 04.4 21.20 20.36 19.81
30 GlCl [LFB2001] C-051 12 40 01.58 -11 36 16.9 22.12 21.30 20.71
31 GlCl? [BAZ97] 1-7 12 40 04.615 -11 35 36.91
32 GlCl [DKV2003] X104 12 40 05.3 -11 35 00
33 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2666 12 40 03.66 -11 34 50.1 20.62 19.76 19.21
34 GlCl? [BAZ97] 1-6 12 40 02.818 -11 34 38.03
35 GlCl? [BAZ97] 1-9 12 40 04.930 -11 34 04.78
36 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2743 12 40 02.26 -11 33 14.1 19.22 18.65 18.31
37 GlCl? [BAZ97] 1-8 12 40 03.572 -11 32 42.52
38 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2576 12 40 05.65 -11 32 29.5 21.00 20.38 19.91
39 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2863 12 40 00.16 -11 32 27.7 20.20 19.36 18.81
40 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2985 12 39 57.62 -11 31 25.0 20.20 19.28 18.68
41 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2748 12 40 02.20 -11 30 26.8 20.61 19.87 19.39
42 GlCl? [BAZ97] 2-29 12 39 57.308 -11 33 02.45
43 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 3075 12 39 55.44 -11 33 24.2 20.53 19.81 19.34
44 GlCl [DKV2003] X65 12 39 59.752 -11 34 55.42 21.48 20.89 20.40
45 GlCl [DKV2003] X76 12 40 00.635 -11 35 20.35 21.28 20.55 20.05
46 GlCl [DKV2003] X63 12 39 59.7 -11 35 25
47 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2916 12 39 58.95 -11 35 22.6 20.27 19.53 19.01
48 GlCl [DKV2003] X26 12 39 55.84 -11 34 48.4 20.46 19.46 18.85
49 GlCl [DKV2003] X122 12 40 15.345 -11 37 35.52 21.49 20.62 20.00
50 GlCl? [BAZ97] 2-1 12 40 16.519 -11 38 01.39
51 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2200 12 40 12.388 -11 38 13.01 21.11 20.44 19.97
52 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2242 12 40 11.571 -11 38 15.30 20.96 20.35 19.91
53 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2109 12 40 14.047 -11 38 39.25 21.32 20.50 19.96
54 GlCl [DKV2003] X119 12 40 12.9 -11 39 03
55 GlCl [BAZ97] 1-29 12 40 13.520 -11 39 12.92 22.05 20.97 20.30
56 GlCl? [BAZ97] 2-20 12 40 13.541 -11 39 19.37
57 GlCl? [BAZ97] 1-17 12 40 11.393 -11 38 54.32
58 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 1638 12 40 24.74 -11 39 50.7 20.50 19.56 18.95
59 GlCl? [BAZ97] 2-28 12 40 19.805 -11 39 59.44
60 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2038 12 40 15.31 -11 40 12.7 20.08 19.33 18.84
61 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 1233 12 40 35.37 -11 41 36.6 22.33 21.41 20.83
62 GlCl? [BAZ97] 1-23 12 40 17.192 -11 41 31.59
63 GlCl? [BAZ97] 2-9 12 40 15.379 -11 41 53.70
64 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2237 12 40 11.668 -11 41 57.40 21.24 20.54 20.06
65 GlCl? [BAZ97] 1-36 12 40 11.506 -11 42 39.88
66 GlCl? [BAZ97] 1-40 12 40 02.726 -11 41 44.05
67 GlCl? [BAZ97] 1-10 12 40 12.205 -11 40 48.85
68 GlCl? [BAZ97] 2-21 12 40 11.016 -11 40 53.47
69 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2257 12 40 11.308 -11 39 43.96 21.52 20.82 20.35
70 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2303 12 40 10.77 -11 40 00.6 20.72 20.02 19.56
71 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2421 12 40 08.65 -11 39 30.8 20.77 19.85 19.28
72 GlCl? [BAZ97] 1-22 12 40 07.299 -11 39 24.28
73 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2544 12 40 06.317 -11 40 14.21 21.91 21.10 20.57
74 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2637 12 40 04.371 -11 40 19.22 21.77 20.86 20.33
75 Galaxy SUCD 1 12 40 03.13 -11 40 04.3 18.00 17.46 16.50
76 GlCl [DKV2003] X85 12 40 01.4 -11 40 10
77 GlCl? [BAZ97] 1-24 12 40 00.970 -11 39 40.63
78 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2777 12 40 01.512 -11 39 04.77 21.82 20.95 20.39
79 GlCl [BAZ97] 2-15 12 40 02.949 -11 38 46.79 21.65 20.90 20.39
80 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2316 12 40 10.52 -11 45 20.4 21.17 20.31 19.77
81 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2475 12 40 07.68 -11 46 04.8 20.75 20.02 19.56
82 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 2832 12 40 00.59 -11 44 56.0 20.69 19.77 19.17
83 GlCl [DKV2003] X24 12 39 55.4 -11 38 49
84 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 3064 12 39 55.73 -11 39 32.3 21.21 20.30 19.74
85 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 3093 12 39 55.07 -11 39 28.6 20.98 20.28 19.80
86 GlCl? [BAZ97] 1-30 12 39 53.275 -11 39 53.12
87 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 3101 12 39 54.699 -11 40 36.97 21.92 20.97 20.38
88 GlCl? [BAZ97] 1-38 12 39 54.849 -11 41 10.74
89 GlCl? [BAZ97] 1-43 12 39 53.003 -11 38 42.91
90 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 3173 12 39 52.808 -11 39 11.84 21.66 21.00 20.52
91 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 3284 12 39 50.781 -11 38 55.29 21.92 21.11 20.63
92 GlCl [DKV2003] X15 12 39 51.1 -11 38 34
93 GlCl [DKV2003] X12 12 39 50.9 -11 38 23
94 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 3320 12 39 50.13 -11 38 28.9 20.45 19.54 18.99
95 GlCl [DKV2003] X7 12 39 45.610 -11 39 33.64 20.43 19.47 18.85
96 GlCl? [BAZ97] 2-32 12 39 48.276 -11 40 37.21
97 GlCl? [BAZ97] 1-18 12 39 48.267 -11 41 27.54
98 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 3394 12 39 48.09 -11 42 08.4 20.68 19.96 19.49
99 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 3246 12 39 51.41 -11 44 06.4 21.23 20.60 20.17
100 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 3638 12 39 42.75 -11 42 48.0 21.05 20.38 19.91
101 GlCl? [BAZ97] 2-23 12 39 42.109 -11 41 19.24
102 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 3676 12 39 41.952 -11 40 59.97 22.26 21.29 20.71
103 GlCl? [BAZ97] 1-27 12 39 39.493 -11 40 51.79
104 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 3892 12 39 37.77 -11 40 30.7 20.48 19.57 18.99
105 GlCl? [BAZ97] 2-18 12 39 43.492 -11 39 31.28
106 GlCl? [BAZ97] 2-22 12 39 41.535 -11 39 45.91
107 GlCl? [BAZ97] 1-42 12 39 39.781 -11 39 39.90
108 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 3680 12 39 41.98 -11 38 27.1 20.18 19.47 18.99
109 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 3873 12 39 38.14 -11 38 38.5 20.85 20.16 19.70
110 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 3987 12 39 35.63 -11 38 30.1 20.17 19.51 19.03
111 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 4303 12 39 27.74 -11 41 11.7 20.71 19.91 19.39
112 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 4158 12 39 31.48 -11 36 34.9 22.08 21.37 20.94
113 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 4206 12 39 30.18 -11 36 13.7 20.41 19.71 19.25
114 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 3575 12 39 44.014 -11 37 30.47 21.59 20.75 20.17
115 GlCl? [BAZ97] 2-25 12 39 43.405 -11 37 32.01
116 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 3461 12 39 46.61 -11 36 50.6 20.71 19.68 19.10
117 GlCl? [BAZ97] 1-41 12 39 43.699 -11 36 52.80
118 GlCl [DKV2003] X3 12 39 43.1 -11 36 44
119 GlCl [DKV2003] X20 12 39 54.6 -11 36 02
120 GlCl [BAZ97] 2-7 12 39 54.007 -11 36 05.82 21.38 20.52 19.95
121 GlCl [BAZ97] 2-16 12 39 52.814 -11 36 18.66 21.19 20.77 20.47
122 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 3222 12 39 51.89 -11 36 27.1 20.65 19.89 19.37
123 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 3191 12 39 52.300 -11 35 41.33 21.29 20.41 19.85
124 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 3357 12 39 49.281 -11 34 35.54 21.39 20.73 20.27
125 GlCl? [BAZ97] 1-34 12 39 47.312 -11 34 52.72
126 GlCl? [BAZ97] 2-27 12 39 49.349 -11 33 21.42
127 GlCl? [BAZ97] 1-31 12 39 42.122 -11 33 17.86
128 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 3965 12 39 36.08 -11 34 08.6 21.28 20.65 20.21
129 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 3667 12 39 42.089 -11 35 24.22 22.14 21.31 20.78
130 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 3835 12 39 38.91 -11 35 12.2 21.13 20.47 20.00
131 GlCl [DKV2003] X4 12 39 44.2 -11 36 01
132 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 3728 12 39 41.122 -11 36 09.11 21.37 20.69 20.25
133 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 4108 12 39 32.74 -11 30 31.2 20.92 20.18 19.67
134 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 4247 12 39 29.37 -11 29 33.3 20.31 19.65 19.20
135 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 4682 12 39 18.51 -11 30 57.5 20.84 20.16 19.68
136 GlCl [RZ2004] GCl 4966 12 39 11.62 -11 34 00.6 20.39 19.73 19.24

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Best Annabelle Dollhouse From Kidkraft for Little Ones25-Dec-2017 16:31
Perect Sombrero Galaxy!
SmartmilToys.com12-Nov-2016 13:08
good job!
dhruvaa padhiyar09-Apr-2015 07:32
Wow! nice.
mima 03-Nov-2012 20:11
super! ♥
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