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Profile for rory allardice
Name rory allardice (joined 07-May-2004) (pbase supporter)
Username rory50
Location Musselburgh
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View Galleries : rory allardice has 15 galleries and 725 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 227514 times.

View Guestbook : 6 messages. Most recent on 30-Dec-2008.

Message from rory allardice
I like to travel to places that are less visited by mass tourism to explore the history and find out about the people places and nature. Recently, I have visited Armenia, Pakistan, Iran, Ethiopia, Syria and Libya. In all the countries I visit, I keep a detailed diary of my travels as memory smetimes fails me. I have recently begun to type out those diaries and incorporate my photos into them. Where possible, I like portraits, simplicity, people in meditation, not posed, lived-in faces with character and stories to tell. I also attempt photos of nature, wildlife, plants, stones, mosses, textures.
I play in a band and have collected many photos of performances (very few taken by me as I am usually playing). Here are some of a farewell concert for Peter, the lead singer who is now in Australia.
I have also begun to copy old prints into digital format and upload early photos from the 1980s from places like the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, Poland and China.

Here are the countries I've visited so far:

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