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Rick Kobylinski11-Feb-2009 18:21
Thanks for the kind words on my images. I'm still looking through your galleries. Good stuff there. Love the gallery of car parts.

Rick Kobylinski
Jesse 29-Nov-2007 00:13
What the heck were you doing in Sidnaw? I grew up there, and know just how out of the way it is, amazed to find that anything came up on a Pbase search for the name Sidnaw! Wow! I'm so shocked! Love to get an email from you... I'm also going to look through your photos on autos, and if you like car related photography, I hope you'll enjoy my website http colon slash slash justacarguy.blogspot dot com

Greg Little29-Sep-2007 07:52
Hi RPM Photo,

Thanks for the note on my auto parts gallery. Your collection is very, very nice. Excellent crops on all and what a collection of cars.

Guest 27-Sep-2007 00:29
What can I say, Rick. Excellent galleries.
Robyco26-Sep-2007 15:04
Thank you for those great galleries of autoparts and ornaments...
Really enjoyed it !!!