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Bob Patton | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Missouri tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

In Box | North Carolina Mountains | Missouri | Smith River, Montana | Missouri Ozark Wildflowers | Oregon and Olympic Peninsula | miscellany | Europe June 2011 | Manzanar


This gallery and its subgalleries contain images of St. Louis and vicinity, and other images reflecting outdoors Missouri, where I try to spend as much time as I can. I'll add more as time and inclination allows, and as I take more digital pictures. Please click on the image to open the gallery. As always, comments are appreciated.
Missouri Scenes
:: Missouri Scenes ::
Missouri Trout Streams
:: Missouri Trout Streams ::
Other Outdoor Missouri
:: Other Outdoor Missouri ::
St Louis Cardinals Baseball
:: St Louis Cardinals Baseball ::
Missouri Ozark Wildflowers
:: Missouri Ozark Wildflowers ::
Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House
:: Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House ::