Lauterbrunnen and Murren, Switzerland
by Ernie Mastroianni
|  Hochzeit auf der Baumgarten-Alp, Bettina und Andreas 7.8.2004
by Irene Wehrli
|  Wild Alp goats
by John de Voogd
|  Alpauffahrt auf die Alp Heuboden Mittelstafel 1464m.ü.M.
by Irene Wehrli
|  4 days, 17 Alp passes in Switzerland and Italy
by Sander
by Irene Wehrli
|  3729 GT n°12/36
by Jacques Blanc
|  Angel Light Pyrotechnics
by Gary Hughes
|  Bifang Ennetberge GL 1200m ü.M.
by Irene Wehrli
|  Siwfass-2180 mm
by Konrad Busslinger