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dallas 1963 Galleries Search Results 1 to 6 of 6
Dealey Plaza National Historical Landmark  - Dallas Texas
Dealey Plaza National Historical Landmark - Dallas Texas
by Jerry Pillarelli
JFK Dallas
JFK Dallas
by Andy Lopušnak Photography
Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, Texas
Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, Texas
by Karthik Raja
Susan Gray
Susan Gray
by Central Warriors
3943 GT n°20/36
3943 GT n°20/36
by Jacques Blanc
National Museum of the United States Air Force – Ohio
National Museum of the United States Air Force – Ohio
by Jerry Pillarelli

dallas 1963 Pictures Search Results 1 to 10 of 29
Dallas Morning News, Kennedy Assassination, 23 Nov 1963
(14th) #47 Mark Leonard, La Jolla, CA, 1962 Cooper T62, and (28th) #15 John G. "Pete" Ball, Dallas, TX, 1963 Lola MK 5
1963 President John F. Kennedy speaking at Miami International Airport 4 days before his assassination
1963 President John F. Kennedy greeting State Senator W.C."Cliff" Herrell with U. S. Senator George Smathers looking on at MIA
1026 N Beckley Ave, House Where Oswald had a Room on Nov 23, 1963
Dallas County Dallas Dealy Plaza
Dallas County Dallas Dealy Plaza
Dallas County Dallas Most infamous day
Dallas County Dallas Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge
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